
Bob Castellini’s Guide: 10 Principles for Wealth and Happiness


Guest: Bob Castellini
WHY.os: Contribute- Mastery – Trust

In this episode of Beyond Your WHY, Dr. Gary Sanchez talks with Bob Castellini, a financial expert with a unique background shaped by contrasting financial philosophies from his rich grandfather and poor father. Bob’s insights into financial stewardship, humility, and lifelong learning make him a compelling guest with valuable lessons for everyone.

Learn the importance of financial stewardship and how it can guide your financial decisions.

Discover why humility and learning from failure are crucial for personal growth.

Understand the role of mentors in achieving success and how to find them.

Tune in to hear Bob Castellini’s wisdom and learn how to apply these lessons to your own life. Listen to the episode now!

Connect with Bob!


Watch the episode here

1:30 – Early Life and Financial Influences
5:45 – Value of Financial Stewardship
10:15 – Humility and Learning from Failure
15:30 – The Power of Mentorship
21:00 – Importance of Self-Awareness
26:45 – Wealth and Purpose
32:00 – Role of Recovery in Life
38:20 – Delegation and Teamwork
44:10 – Life-Long Learning
50:35 – Holistic Approach to Wealth


Discovering Financial Wisdom: Key Insights from Bob Castellini on Beyond Your WHY

Ever wondered what it takes to achieve real financial wisdom? Meet Bob Castellini, a financial expert who grew up influenced by two very different financial philosophies—his wealthy grandfather’s and his less affluent father’s. Bob’s journey shaped his unique approach to financial stewardship, and in this episode of Beyond Your WHY with Dr. Gary Sanchez, he shares his invaluable insights. Let’s dive into the major takeaways from this enlightening conversation.

The Value of Financial Stewardship

Bob Castellini learned early on the importance of financial stewardship, seeing firsthand the consequences of both good and bad financial management. This episode dives deep into how financial stewardship can guide your financial decisions and set you up for long-term success.

  • Understand the Basics: Bob emphasizes the need for a solid understanding of basic financial principles. It’s not just about making money but managing it wisely.
  • Learn from Others: He shares stories from his grandfather and father, illustrating how different approaches to money management can lead to vastly different outcomes.
  • Long-Term Thinking: Bob’s advice centers on thinking long-term, avoiding the pitfalls of short-term gains that can lead to financial instability.

Humility and Learning from Failure

Failure isn’t just a stepping stone; it’s a crucial part of the journey. Bob discusses how humility and learning from failure have been key to his personal and professional growth.

  • Embrace Humility: Bob stresses the importance of being humble and acknowledging your mistakes. It’s this humility that allows for genuine growth.
  • Learn from Setbacks: Instead of seeing failure as a dead-end, Bob views it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Each setback is a lesson in disguise.
  • Personal Growth: He shares personal anecdotes on how these failures have shaped his success, offering a relatable and inspiring perspective.

The Power of Mentorship

One of the standout points in Bob’s career has been the mentors who have guided him along the way. This episode explores the vital role mentors play in achieving success.

  • Find Your Mentors: Bob talks about how finding the right mentors has been crucial to his development. These individuals provided guidance, support, and wisdom.
  • Seek Knowledge: He emphasizes the importance of always seeking knowledge from those who have been there before. Learning doesn’t stop once you reach a certain point.
  • Build Relationships: Building strong relationships with mentors can provide ongoing support and open doors to new opportunities.

Wealth and Purpose

What’s wealth without purpose? Bob highlights the significance of having a life plan and purpose beyond financial success.

  • Align Wealth with Purpose: Bob believes that true happiness and fulfillment come from aligning your financial goals with your personal purpose.
  • Beyond Money: He stresses that wealth alone doesn’t bring happiness. It’s the purpose and meaning behind your wealth that make a difference.
  • Practical Tips: Bob offers practical tips on how to integrate purpose into your financial planning, making your money work for your overall happiness.

Role of Recovery in Life

Bob shares insights from his recovery journey, emphasizing how serving others and having an abundance mindset contribute to fulfillment.

  • Serve Others: Bob’s recovery journey taught him the importance of serving others. This selfless approach brings joy and fulfillment.
  • Abundance Mindset: Shifting to an abundance mindset helps in seeing the positives in life and focusing on giving rather than taking.
  • Practical Applications: He provides practical ways to incorporate these principles into daily life, making them accessible to everyone.

Delegation and Teamwork

Bob discusses the importance of delegating responsibilities and empowering others, which leads to greater productivity and personal satisfaction.

  • Empower Your Team: Effective delegation not only boosts productivity but also empowers team members, making the whole team stronger.
  • Focus on Strengths: By delegating tasks, Bob could focus on his strengths, leading to better results.
  • Personal Satisfaction: This approach also enhances personal satisfaction, as you see your team thrive and succeed.

Life-Long Learning

Continuous learning is crucial, and Bob maintains that one should always pursue education and knowledge both within and outside of professional settings.

  • Never Stop Learning: Bob’s mantra is to keep learning, no matter where you are in your career.
  • Diverse Knowledge: He encourages seeking knowledge from various fields, not just your area of expertise.
  • Growth Mindset: Maintaining a growth mindset allows for continuous improvement and adaptation.

Holistic Approach to Wealth

Managing wealth involves more than just finances; it includes physical, emotional, and mental health.

  • Holistic Management: Bob advocates for a holistic approach to wealth management, considering all aspects of well-being.
  • Balanced Life: Balancing financial goals with health and emotional well-being leads to a more fulfilling life.
  • Practical Steps: He shares practical steps to achieve this balance, ensuring long-term happiness and stability.

Bob Castellini’s insights offer a blueprint for achieving financial success while maintaining personal fulfillment. His approach to financial stewardship, humility, mentorship, and holistic wealth management provides valuable lessons for anyone looking to improve their financial and personal well-being. Listen to the full episode of Beyond Your WHY with Dr. Gary Sanchez to dive deeper into these transformative insights. Don’t miss out on the wisdom that could change your financial future!

About Bob Castellini

Bob Castellini is widely known for leading a group that purchased a majority share of Major League Baseball’s oldest franchise, the Cincinnati Reds, in early 2006. He currently serves as the principal owner and chief executive officer of the ball club and is one of the team’s most passionate fans. With over thirty years of involvement in baseball, he has held partnerships in the Baltimore Orioles, Texas Rangers, and St. Louis Cardinals teams.

Beyond baseball, he is the chairman of the Castellini Group of Companies, a firm established in 1896. Under his leadership, the company has become one of the largest fresh produce distributors in the United States, catering to the fresh produce needs of the foodservice and retail industries in the Midwest with a broad range of distribution services and value-added products.

Bob holds a Bachelor’s degree in economics from Georgetown University and an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He served two years in the Army, achieving the rank of first lieutenant and receiving an Army Commendation Medal before returning home to manage his family’s business.

In addition to his business and baseball ventures, he is heavily involved in community development. He serves as the chairman of the Joint Banks Steering Committee, which is overseeing the cooperative efforts to complete the development of Cincinnati’s riverfront. He is also a board member of 3CDC and the Cincinnati Arts and Technology Center and chairs the Cincinnati New Equity Fund and New Markets Tax Credit Fund​.

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10 Steps to Simplify Your Success: Insights from JM Ryerson


Guest: JM Ryerson
WHY.os: Simplify – Challenge – Trust

JM Ryerson is a business coach and author known for his focus on simplifying success. Growing up in Montana, he learned the power of keeping things straightforward. In this episode, he shares his insights on how simplicity can lead to greater success in both personal and professional life.

  • Learn why simplifying your approach can lead to big wins.
  • Discover the importance of being authentic and vulnerable.
  • Find out how daily acts of kindness can build strong relationships.

Listen to the episode now and start simplifying your path to success!

Connect with JM!


Watch the episode here

02:15 – Simplifying for Success
05:30 – Early Influences
08:45 – Embrace Vulnerability
12:20 – Daily Acts of Kindness
16:10 – Growth Mindset
20:25 – Small Business Focus
24:50 – Importance of Values Alignment
28:35 – Coaching Approach
33:00 – Overcoming Adversity
37:15 – Books and Resources


Simplify Your Success: Insights from JM Ryerson on the Beyond Your WHY Podcast

Ever feel like life’s way more complicated than it needs to be? Like you’re juggling too many balls and somehow, none of them are staying up? If so, you’re in for a treat. On the latest episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast, Dr. Gary Sanchez sits down with JM Ryerson, a business coach and author who’s all about cutting the fluff and keeping it simple.

JM Ryerson isn’t just another business coach; he’s a guy who believes that simplicity is the key to success. Growing up in Montana, he learned early on that keeping things straightforward can lead to big wins. Now, he’s sharing these insights with the world, helping people and businesses thrive by focusing on what truly matters.

What You’ll Learn from This Episode

  • Simplicity Leads to Success: JM Ryerson breaks down how simplifying your approach in life and business can lead to big results.
  • The Power of Vulnerability: Learn why being your true self can create stronger connections and better leadership.
  • Daily Acts of Kindness: Discover how small gestures of appreciation can build meaningful relationships.

Keeping It Simple for Big Wins

JM Ryerson’s main message is clear: simplicity is powerful. He believes that by breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps, you can achieve greater success without feeling overwhelmed. Whether it’s in your personal life or your business, keeping things simple helps you stay focused and effective.

Embracing Vulnerability

One of the standout moments in the episode is when JM Ryerson talks about the importance of vulnerability. He suggests that leaders who show their true selves, flaws and all, build stronger connections with their teams and clients. This authenticity isn’t just good for relationships; it’s good for business too.

The Magic of Daily Acts of Kindness

Ryerson shares a simple yet powerful practice: sending three messages of appreciation every day. These small acts of kindness, done without expecting anything in return, can have a huge impact on your relationships and overall well-being.

In our busy lives, we often forget the power of small gestures. By consistently showing appreciation, you can build a network of strong, supportive relationships.

JM Ryerson’s insights on simplicity, vulnerability, and kindness offer a refreshing perspective on success. Whether you’re a business owner, a leader, or someone just trying to make life a bit less hectic, this episode has something valuable for you.

Ready to simplify your path to success? Listen to the full episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast with Dr. Gary Sanchez and JM Ryerson now. You won’t want to miss these game-changing insights.

About JM Ryerson

JM Ryerson, a successful entrepreneur and leadership coach, has founded and sold three businesses. With over 20 years of experience in business and sales leadership, he now helps leaders and teams achieve peak performance through coaching, speaking, and writing. As CEO of Let’s Go Win, he’s dedicated to fostering leadership, enhancing culture, and inspiring personal growth.


4 Virtues Every Successful Business Person Must Have


Guest: Diana Wu David
WHY.os: Better Way – Challenge – Trust

In this episode of Beyond Your WHY, Dr. Gary Sanchez interviews Diana Wu David, an expert in future-proofing careers and author of “Future Proof: Reinventing Work in an Age of Acceleration.” Diana shares her insights on how to stay relevant and satisfied in today’s fast-changing world. Her practical advice and forward-thinking approach make her a must-listen for anyone looking to thrive in their career.

  • Learn the importance of adapting to change and constantly seeking better ways.
  • Discover why collaboration and networking are crucial for success.
  • Understand the value of experimenting and reinventing yourself.

Tune in to this episode for actionable tips and strategies from Diana Wu David that will help you stay ahead in your career.

Connect with Diana!


Watch the episode here

  • [08:15] – The Importance of Better Ways
  • [13:40] – Adapting to Change
  • [19:10] – Focus on Future Proofing
  • [24:50] – Collaboration and Networking
  • [29:25] – Experimentation and Reinvention
  • [33:55] – Listening as a Key Skill
  • [38:20] – Challenges in Later Career Stages
  • [43:45] – Role of DNA in Future Careers
  • [48:30] – Vision for a Satisfying Work Life


Future-Proof Your Career: Insights from Diana Wu David on Beyond Your WHY

In the latest episode of Beyond Your WHY, Dr. Gary Sanchez sits down with Diana Wu David, a renowned expert in future-proofing careers and author of “Future Proof: Reinventing Work in an Age of Acceleration.” Diana’s practical advice and forward-thinking approach make her a must-listen for anyone looking to thrive in their career. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from this enlightening conversation.

Why Diana Wu David is Important

Diana Wu David is more than just an expert; she’s a guide for those looking to stay relevant in a rapidly changing world. Her experience and insights are invaluable for anyone wanting to navigate the complexities of today’s job market. Her book has helped countless individuals reinvent their work lives, and her strategies are both practical and inspiring.

The Power of Adaptation

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to adapt is crucial. Diana emphasizes that learning new skills and staying flexible can make a significant difference in your career. “The only constant is change,” she says, highlighting how quickly technology and societal norms evolve.

Tips for Staying Adaptable:

  • Continuous Learning: Diana shares that one of the best ways to stay relevant is by being a lifelong learner. She suggests dedicating a small portion of your week to learning something new, whether it’s through online courses, reading, or attending workshops.
  • Embrace Technology: Don’t shy away from new tools and platforms. Diana advises, “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. The more you expose yourself to new tech, the easier it becomes.”
  • Flexibility in Roles: Be open to taking on different roles within your organization. “Sometimes the best opportunities come from unexpected places,” she notes, encouraging listeners to step out of their comfort zones.

Future-Proofing Your Career

Diana’s book, “Future Proof: Reinventing Work in an Age of Acceleration,” is a treasure trove of strategies for staying relevant. In the episode, she discusses how you can develop essential skills and mindsets to ensure you’re always in demand. From networking to continuous learning, Diana’s advice is both actionable and inspiring.

Strategies from the Book:

  • Networking: “Your network is your net worth,” Diana asserts. Building and maintaining a robust professional network is key to staying relevant. She suggests actively participating in industry events, both online and offline, and using platforms like LinkedIn to connect with thought leaders.
  • Skill Development: Focus on building a diverse skill set. Diana mentions, “In a world where job roles are constantly changing, having a broad skill set makes you more adaptable and valuable.” She recommends identifying gaps in your current skills and seeking out resources to fill them.
  • Mindset Shifts: Embrace a growth mindset. Diana explains that believing in your ability to learn and grow can significantly impact your career resilience. “Approach challenges as opportunities to learn rather than obstacles,” she advises.

Collaboration is Key

Building strong networks and working effectively in teams are vital for success. Diana highlights the importance of collaboration, sharing tips on how to build meaningful connections and work harmoniously with others. Whether you’re in a corporate setting or working remotely, these insights are invaluable.

Tips for Effective Collaboration:

  • Building Trust: “Trust is the foundation of any successful team,” Diana says. She suggests being transparent and consistent in your actions to build trust with your colleagues.
  • Communication: Clear and open communication is essential. “Don’t assume everyone is on the same page. Regular check-ins and updates can prevent misunderstandings,” Diana advises.
  • Leveraging Strengths: Understand and utilize the strengths of your team members. “Everyone brings something unique to the table. Recognizing and leveraging these strengths can lead to better team performance,” she explains.

Diana Wu David’s insights are a goldmine for anyone looking to thrive in their career. From embracing change and seeking better ways to the importance of collaboration and continuous learning, her advice is both practical and inspiring. If you’re looking to future-proof your career and find satisfaction in your work, don’t miss this episode of Beyond Your WHY.

About Diana Wu David

Best-selling author, Future Proof: Reinventing Work in An Age of Acceleration

A former Financial Times executive, Diana is Top 50 global work futurist, expert on effective leadership and boards and best-selling author of the Inc. magazine Top 10 Innovation book, Future Proof: Reinventing Work in the Age of Acceleration. She works with leaders who want to change the game and prepare their organizations to harness accelerating disruption and drive breakthrough results.



10 Steps to Simplify Your Business Growth with Referral Partnerships


Guest: Chad Durfee
WHY.os: Right Way – Simplify – Challenge

In this episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast, Dr. Gary Sanchez sits down with Chad Durfee, a seasoned entrepreneur and business growth strategist. Chad is known for helping businesses thrive by creating strategic referral partnerships. His expertise has helped many companies grow their revenue without relying on traditional advertising methods.

  • Learn how to build effective referral partnerships to grow your business.
  • Discover the key differences between referral partnerships and paid advertising.
  • Get practical tips on nurturing long-term business relationships.

Listen to this episode to find out how Chad’s strategies can help you create lasting and valuable business connections.

Connect with Chad Durfee!


Watch the episode here


  • 03:23 – The WHY of Doing Things the Right Way
  • 05:14 – Success in Sports and Strategic Thinking
  • 08:48 – From Sports to Business: Chad’s Journey
  • 15:29 – Strategic Referral Partnerships
  • 17:47 – Methods of Referral Support
  • 23:03 – Comparing Referral Partnerships to Paid Advertising
  • 27:32 – Making Referrals Simple for Partners
  • 32:57 – Scaling Referral Partnerships
  • 36:42 – Lead Path and Lead Swipe Software



10 Secrets to Growing Your Business with Chad Durfee

Have you ever wondered how some businesses just seem to explode with growth, seemingly out of nowhere? If so, you’re in luck. Dr. Gary Sanchez recently sat down with Chad Durfee on the Beyond Your WHY Podcast to discuss the magic of strategic referral partnerships. Chad, a seasoned entrepreneur and business growth strategist, shared some invaluable insights that can help any business owner grow their revenue without breaking the bank on advertising. Let’s dive into the highlights of their conversation.

Chad Durfee is not just any entrepreneur. He’s built and sold multiple businesses and currently leads four thriving companies. His specialty? Helping businesses grow through strategic referral partnerships. Chad’s approach is all about creating lasting, valuable connections that drive sustainable growth. In a world where marketing budgets can spiral out of control, Chad’s strategies offer a breath of fresh air.

The Power of Strategic Referral Partnerships

Chad’s number one strategy for business growth is building strategic referral partnerships. But what does that mean, exactly? It’s about forming relationships with non-competing businesses that serve the same target audience. These partnerships allow both businesses to refer clients to each other, creating a win-win situation.

As Chad puts it, “Why compete when you can collaborate? Partner with businesses that complement yours and watch both of you grow.”

Tip: Start by identifying potential partners in your industry. Look for businesses that offer complementary services and reach out to propose a referral partnership. It’s easier than you think!

Simplifying Your Lead Generation

Chad is not a fan of the constant grind that comes with social media marketing and paid ads. Instead, he focuses on building referral partnerships that generate leads consistently over time. This approach not only saves money but also builds a network of trusted business allies.

“Social media can be a hamster wheel,” Chad explains. “Referral partnerships, on the other hand, create stable, long-term lead sources.”

Tip: Use your existing network to kickstart your referral partnerships. Reach out to business owners you already know and trust to see if they’re interested in referring clients to each other.

Nurturing Long-Term Relationships

One of the keys to successful referral partnerships is nurturing these relationships over time. It’s not enough to just set up a partnership and forget about it. Chad emphasizes the importance of regular communication and providing value to your partners.

“Think of your referral partners as an extension of your team,” Chad advises. “Regular check-ins and showing appreciation go a long way.”

Tip: Schedule regular check-ins with your referral partners. Use these meetings to discuss any issues, share successes, and brainstorm new ways to collaborate.

If you’re tired of throwing money at ads with little return or feeling like you’re shouting into the void on social media, Chad’s strategies offer a refreshing alternative. By focusing on building and nurturing strategic referral partnerships, you can create a steady stream of high-quality leads while building a supportive business community.

About Chad Durfee

I am a seasoned entrepreneur and business growth strategist specializing in helping companies find perfect strategic referral partnerships. My ventures include a coaching company that teaches our systems and processes, an agency that implements them, and a software company that automates, tracks, and pays out referrals on autopilot.

My journey has been marked by the successful launch and sale of several businesses, and a few failed ones along the way. Currently, I lead four thriving businesses, each with a unique mission.

I am passionate about helping others scale their businesses. I focus on boosting revenue and client acquisition by accessing the lucrative world of strategic referral partnerships. My approach is tailored to each business’s unique challenges and opportunities.

Beyond work, I cherish time with my family, exploring new places with my wife, working out with my son, and dancing with my daughter. Personal development is a continual journey for me, and I seize every opportunity to grow both personally and professionally.


AutomationWorx: Jamie McKean Secret to Simplified Business


Guest: Jamie McKean
WHY.os: Contribute – Make Sense – Simplify

In this episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast, Dr. Gary Sanchez interviews Jamie McKean, a servant leader and expert in online marketing for coaches and consultants. Jamie has worked with top names like Tony Robbins, and his platform, AutomationWorx, is changing the way businesses handle marketing and sales.

  • Learn how Jamie’s early experiences shaped his approach to helping others succeed.
  • Discover the key strategies Jamie uses to simplify complex business problems.
  • Find out how AutomationWorx can save you time and money by streamlining your processes.

Listen to the full episode to hear Jamie’s story and get practical tips for improving your business.

Connect with Jamie McKean!


Watch the episode here



01:31 – Meet Jamie McKean
02:50 – Jamie’s Early Life and Influences
04:26 – Transition to University and Early Career
10:40 – Career in Banking and Project Management
13:53 – Moving to New Zealand
17:16 – The E-Myth and Entrepreneurial Journey
24:27 – Starting a Business and Early Challenges
31:03 – Coaching Coaches and Business Success
40:07 – Introduction to AutomationWorx



How Jamie McKean is Changing the Game for Coaches and Consultants

Ever wondered how top coaches like Tony Robbins streamline their marketing and sales? Meet Jamie McKean, the mastermind behind AutomationWorx, a platform that’s transforming how coaches and consultants do business. In the latest episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast, Dr. Gary Sanchez sits down with Jamie to discuss his journey, his motivations, and his strategies for success.

Jamie McKean is a leader in online marketing, known for his work with big names like Tony Robbins. With over 15 years of experience, Jamie has a knack for simplifying complex systems, making life easier for his clients. His platform, AutomationWorx, integrates multiple tools into one, saving businesses time and money.

The Key Takeaways from Jamie’s Story

1. Early Influences Shaping His Approach

Jamie’s background is a mix of hard work and empathy. Growing up in England and later moving to New Zealand, he traveled extensively and always had a job or two to support himself. This work ethic and his ability to build deep, lasting friendships have influenced his approach to helping others.

2. Simplifying Complexity

Jamie excels at taking complicated problems and breaking them down into simple, manageable steps. This talent has been crucial in his career, from managing large-scale projects in the banking sector to helping coaches streamline their marketing efforts.

3. AutomationWorx: A Game Changer

AutomationWorx is an all-in-one platform designed to make marketing and sales easier for coaches and consultants. It combines tools like CRM, social media planning, and email marketing into a single system. This integration not only reduces costs but also simplifies the workflow, allowing users to focus on what they do best—coaching.

Jamie’s Career Path: From Banking to Coaching

Jamie’s journey is a testament to his adaptability and drive. Starting in the UK banking sector, he quickly rose to manage significant projects. However, a combination of personal loss and a desire for change led him to New Zealand, where he eventually founded his own business. His experience in managing complex projects equipped him with the skills needed to simplify processes for others.

Why AutomationWorx is a Must-Have

If you’re a coach or consultant, AutomationWorx can be a game-changer. Here’s why:

  • Cost-Efficiency: Combining multiple tools into one platform saves money.
  • Ease of Use: One login for everything means less hassle.
  • Comprehensive Integration: Everything works together seamlessly, reducing the risk of errors and saving time.

Personal Insights and Business Philosophy

Jamie believes in the power of relationships. His approach to business is personal and empathetic, always striving to understand his clients’ needs deeply. This philosophy has helped him build a successful career and create a platform that genuinely makes a difference.

Jamie McKean’s story is inspiring and full of practical insights. From his early life lessons to the creation of AutomationWorx, Jamie’s journey offers valuable takeaways for anyone in the coaching and consulting business.

Don’t miss out on these key lessons:

  • How early experiences shape your professional approach.
  • The importance of simplifying complex systems.
  • The benefits of using an integrated platform like AutomationWorx.

About Jamie McKean

Jamie’s been helping coaches and consultants for the past 15 years with their online marketing.

Helping some of the biggest names in the coaching industry, the likes of the Tony Robbins company, and many more.

Today, Jamie’s focused on helping as many coaches as he can, through his platform: AutomationWorx

Podcast Uncategorized

9 Takeaways from Reef Colman on Living a Purpose-Driven Life: Overcome, Innovate, Succeed


Guest: Reef Colman
WHY.os: Challenge – Mastery – Contribute

In this episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast, Dr. Gary Sanchez sits down with Reef Colman, an entrepreneur who has overcome significant personal and professional challenges to achieve success. Reef’s story is a testament to resilience and the power of understanding one’s purpose.

  • Learn how Reef turned early life struggles into stepping stones for success.
  • Discover practical tips for building strong business relationships and trust.
  • Get actionable advice on simplifying complex problems to achieve clarity.

Tune in to hear Reef’s inspiring story and gain valuable insights that can help you on your own path to success. Listen now!

Connect with Reef Colman!


Watch the episode here

04:57 – Early Challenges and Overcoming Adversity
08:05 – High School Experiences
10:18 – Post-High School Journey
24:36 – Starting a Marketing Agency
32:58 – Embracing Failure and Learning from Mistakes
45:01 – Importance of Employee Benefits and Corporate Culture
49:02 – Hiring Process and Finding A-Players
50:23 – Building a Referral-Based Business Model
52:54 – Company Culture and Revolutionary Recruitment Process


10 Game-Changing Tips from Reef Colman: Success Lessons You Can’t Miss

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, few stories are as compelling as that of Reef Colman. From a challenging childhood to significant business success, Reef has navigated numerous obstacles and emerged stronger and wiser. His journey is filled with valuable lessons that can help anyone striving for success. Here’s a closer look at the key takeaways from Reef Colman’s experiences and how you can apply them to your own life.

Turning Struggles into Stepping Stones

Reef Colman’s life wasn’t easy from the start. He faced a multitude of personal and professional challenges, but instead of letting them hold him back, he used them as opportunities for growth. Reef’s story demonstrates the power of resilience. By viewing setbacks as learning experiences, he turned his struggles into stepping stones towards success.

Building Strong Relationships

Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, whether personal or professional. Reef emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining trust. He shares practical tips on how to cultivate trust through consistent actions and integrity. This advice is crucial for anyone looking to build strong, lasting relationships.

Simplifying Complex Problems

One of Reef’s standout skills is his ability to break down complex problems into manageable parts. This approach not only makes problems easier to tackle but also leads to clearer and more effective solutions. Reef’s strategy involves identifying the core issue and systematically addressing each component. This method can help anyone achieve greater clarity and efficiency in their problem-solving efforts.

The Power of Mentorship

Throughout his career, Reef has benefited greatly from mentorship. He believes that having a mentor can provide invaluable guidance and support. Mentors can offer new perspectives, share their experiences, and help you avoid common pitfalls. Reef’s advice is to actively seek out mentors who align with your goals and values.

Embracing Innovation

Innovation is at the heart of Reef’s success. He is always looking for better ways to do things, whether it’s in business processes or personal development. Reef encourages others to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement and to be open to new ideas and approaches. This innovative mindset can lead to breakthroughs and significant advancements.

Resilience and Learning from Failure

Failure is a natural part of the journey to success, and Reef’s story is a testament to this truth. He has faced many failures but views them as opportunities to learn and grow. Reef’s approach to failure involves analyzing what went wrong, learning from the experience, and applying those lessons to future endeavors. This resilience is crucial for anyone looking to achieve long-term success.

Creating a Purpose-Driven Life

Understanding your purpose, or your “WHY,” can provide a strong sense of direction and motivation. Reef found that knowing his WHY gave him clarity and purpose in his actions. This sense of purpose has been a driving force in his success, and it can be for you too. Finding your WHY involves introspection and a deep understanding of what truly motivates you.

Practical Business Tips

Reef shares actionable advice on building a successful business. One of his key strategies is to develop a referral-based business model. By providing exceptional service and building strong relationships with clients, Reef has created a steady stream of referrals. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of hiring the right people—those who align with the company’s values and culture.

Corporate Culture and Employee Benefits

Creating a positive corporate culture and offering meaningful employee benefits are essential for a thriving business. Reef explains how a supportive and inclusive workplace can lead to higher employee satisfaction and productivity. By investing in your employees’ well-being, you create a motivated and loyal workforce.

Revolutionary Recruitment Process

Reef’s approach to recruitment is innovative and effective. He focuses on finding top talent that not only has the right skills but also fits well with the company culture. His recruitment process involves thorough vetting and a clear understanding of what the company needs. This approach ensures that new hires are a good match and can contribute positively to the team.

Reef Colman’s story is filled with lessons that can help you navigate your own path to success. By applying his insights and strategies, you can overcome obstacles, build stronger relationships, and find your purpose. Whether you’re facing personal challenges or looking to grow your business, Reef’s experiences offer practical guidance that can lead to significant improvements in your life and career.

Ready to apply these game-changing tips to your life? Start by identifying your WHY and building trust in your relationships. Embrace innovation, learn from failures, and seek mentorship. By following Reef Colman’s example, you can achieve clarity, purpose, and success in your endeavors.

About Reef Colman

Reef Colman stands as an inspiring leader, epitomizing innovation and impact through his role as the CEO and Founder of Starting from humble origins, Reef’s journey is a testament to his extraordinary mission of effecting positive change across borders and industries. His brainchild,, is revolutionizing business and empowerment by offering efficient, reliable outsourcing services that pave the way for a more interconnected and sustainable future.

Reef’s distinctiveness lies in his unwavering commitment to a global vision. His strategic leadership not only steers his team and partners towards a shared objective but also envisions a future abundant with opportunities for making a meaningful difference. Beyond the business realm,‘s mission extends to nourishing communities worldwide, redefining success by the lives touched and uplifted. Reef’s journey, from his early days to his transformative role in reshaping the outsourcing landscape, is a testament to the leader he has become today.


Mastering Money: 7 Lessons from a Self-Made Millionaire’s Journey


Guest: Dr. Susie Carder
WHY.os: Contribute – Challenge – Right Way

Dr. Susie Carder is a self-made millionaire and a seasoned business coach who has built 10 multimillion-dollar companies. With over two decades of experience in entrepreneurial growth and financial expertise, she brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. Her practical advice and vibrant storytelling make her a must-listen for anyone interested in business and personal growth.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The key practices that helped Dr. Susie build successful businesses from the ground up.
  • Strategies for financial management that every entrepreneur needs to know.
  • How to make wise choices that lead to long-term business sustainability.

Make sure to tune into this episode to hear Dr. Susie Carder share her valuable insights on achieving success in business and life. Don’t miss out on these practical tips—listen now!

Connect with Dr. Susie Carder!


Click Here to Take Dr. Susie’s Free Business Assessment

Watch the episode here


02:13 – Dr. Susie’s Lifestyle and Background
03:09 – Early Challenges and Entrepreneurial Spirit
04:03 – The Importance of Curiosity and Growth
10:30 – The Role of Purpose and Contribution in Business
14:39 – Achieving Academic and Professional Recognition
17:00 – Journey from Hairstylist to Business Leader
27:33 – Role as a Fractional COO in Business Turnarounds
34:23 – Effective Business Planning and Execution
41:34 – Leveraging Community and Network for Business Growth




The Entrepreneur’s Roadmap: Dr. Susie Carder’s Secrets to Building a Financial Empire

Have you ever met someone who started from scratch and managed to build not just one, but ten multimillion-dollar companies? Meet Dr. Susie Carder — a vibrant powerhouse and a self-made millionaire whose journey reads like an entrepreneur’s dream. Dr. Carder doesn’t just create businesses; she turns them into gold mines. In the latest episode of the “Beyond Your WHY Podcast,” she spills the secrets that could very well transform your approach to business and personal growth.

You might be wondering why you should care about Dr. Susie’s insights. Well, imagine having a mentor who has navigated the choppy waters of entrepreneurship not once, but ten times over, each time swimming to the shore of success. That’s Dr. Susie for you — part coach, part entrepreneur, and all genius. She’s a beacon for anyone looking to understand the real grind behind glossy success stories.

  1. Build Your Foundation Strong:
    • Dr. Susie emphasizes starting with a solid foundation. She shares how mastering the basics of financial management and customer understanding laid the groundwork for her businesses. It’s about getting the basics right before shooting for the stars.
  2. Money Management is Key:
    • One of the most striking parts of the conversation revolves around financial literacy. Dr. Susie talks candidly about her early struggles with finances and how conquering this aspect was crucial. She insists that every entrepreneur should become savvy about finances, not just to save money, but to make it grow.
  3. Learning Through Doing:
    • Forget traditional paths; Dr. Susie advocates learning on the job. Her educational journey is all about real-life applications. Whether it was learning how to sue someone or understanding securities exchange for raising funds, she believes in learning what you need, when you need it.
  • Foundation Matters: Think about building a house. Would you start with the roof? No way! Dr. Susie points out that many entrepreneurs rush into the fancy stuff—marketing, branding, the works—without nailing the basics like operational efficiency and market research. She advises starting with a robust business plan that addresses the essentials first.
  • Financial Literacy Isn’t Just a Buzzword: It’s your bread and butter. Dr. Susie didn’t just learn to balance the books; she learned to make them dance. From her tales, it’s clear that knowing where every dime is going and coming from can turn a struggling business into a thriving empire. It’s not just about keeping the lights on; it’s about turning up the brightness so everyone can see you shine.
  • Real Education Happens Outside the Classroom: Here’s the kicker: Dr. Susie believes that the most valuable lessons come from the school of hard knocks. Her approach? Dive into whatever skills the situation calls for. It’s about targeted learning—identify your gaps, find the resources, and just learn it. This hands-on approach not only saves time but makes you a more adaptable leader.

Curious to hear more about how Dr. Susie Carder built her empire and how you might do the same? Check out this inspiring episode of Beyond Your WHY Podcast. It’s packed with real-life lessons that could be the key to unlocking your potential. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner looking for a refresh, this episode is your personal masterclass in making it big. Don’t just take our word for it; give it a listen and see how you can apply Dr. Susie’s golden advice to your own business ventures.

Whether you tune into the podcast or not, Dr. Susie Carder’s life lessons are a goldmine for anyone serious about making it big in the business world. Her journey teaches us about resilience, the importance of financial intelligence, and the value of learning as you go. So, grab a notebook (or a laptop!) and start sketching out your roadmap to success today—inspired by a woman who knows how to make it happen.

About Dr. Susie Carder

Please provide a short bio that we can use for our pre-recorded intro & show notes. *

Dr. Susie Carder is a self-made millionaire, profit coach, and fractional COO who has transformed how entrepreneurs perceive organizations. With an impressive track record spanning two decades, Dr. Carder has built up 10 multimillion dollar enterprises, establishing herself as a leading authority in the business and finance realms. She is also a best-selling author and an international speaker, captivating audiences worldwide with her vibrant presence and profound insights. Dr. Carder’s exceptional contributions to the business world have been recognized by prestigious publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Huffington Post.


10 Questions That Will Change the Way You Connect with Clients


Guest: Richard Robbins
WHY.os: Challenge – Simplify – Trust 

In this week’s episode, we sit down with Richard Robbins, a name that stands tall in the real estate world. Richard’s knack for turning challenges into opportunities has not only reshaped his career but also inspired many to rethink their approach to business and personal growth. His journey from making cold calls with unparalleled persistence to founding a successful real estate company is nothing short of inspiring.

By tuning into this episode, uncover:

  • Effective strategies for building lasting connections with clients, going beyond the surface to forge genuine relationships.
  • A deep dive into the art of cold calling and prospecting that actually results in new clients and not just unanswered calls.
  • How finding your WHY can serve as a north star, guiding you through both personal and professional challenges.

Don’t miss out on this episode full of real-world advice and actionable tips. Listen now to get inspired and learn how to apply these insights to your own life and career.

Connect with Richard!


Watch the episode here

05:15 – Finding Your WHY: The Importance of Discovering Your Personal WHY
10:30 – Starting in Real Estate: Robbins’s Journey into Real Estate
15:45 – Overcoming Adversity: Strategies for Facing Challenges Head-On
21:20 – Building Rapport: Techniques for Connecting with Clients
27:35 – Cold Calling and Prospecting: Effective Approaches to Generating Leads
34:00 – Qualifying Leads: How to Identify Potential Clients
40:25 – The WHY Discovery Tool: Innovation in Personal Development
45:50 – Strategic Planning for Success: Robbins’s Business Growth Strategies
51:15 – Mentorship and Sharing Knowledge: The Impact of Giving Back



Unveiling Success: Richard Robbins’ Approach to Genuine Connections and Finding Your WHY

In a world where every interaction could be a stepping stone to success, understanding the essence of genuine connections and the power of knowing your WHY is crucial. This pivotal episode of Dr. Gary Sanchez’s podcast, featuring Richard Robbins, serves as more than just a conversation. It’s a masterclass in nurturing relationships, redefining cold calling, and discovering the underlying motivation that drives us. Even without tuning into the podcast, the insights shared offer immense value for personal and professional growth. Let’s dive into the wisdom that Robbins imparts.

Mastering the Art of Building Relationships

Robbins stresses that at the heart of every successful business interaction is the ability to build rapport. It’s not about the transaction but the relationship. He suggests approaching each conversation with genuine curiosity about the person on the other end of the line. This approach transforms interactions from mere exchanges of information to meaningful connections. Robbins’ method involves:

  • Listening actively and empathetically.
  • Asking open-ended questions that go beyond the surface.
  • Sharing experiences that resonate on a personal level.

This technique not only enriches the quality of business relationships but also fosters a sense of trust and loyalty that can’t be bought.

Redefining Cold Calling: A Path to Warm Conversations
The mere mention of cold calling often evokes a sense of dread. However, Robbins introduces a paradigm shift by viewing each call not as a pitch but as an opportunity to connect. His strategy focuses on changing the narrative from selling to solving. By identifying and addressing the potential needs of the person on the other end, a cold call quickly warms up. Key takeaways include:

  • Starting the conversation with the intention to help, not to sell.
  • Framing questions that uncover the caller’s needs and challenges.
  • Offering insights or solutions that cater directly to the discussed needs.

The Power of WHY: Fueling Personal and Professional Growth
Perhaps the most transformative insight from the episode is the emphasis on discovering one’s WHY—the core purpose that motivates and drives us. Robbins and Dr. Sanchez delve into how understanding your WHY acts as a compass, guiding decisions, and defining paths. This self-awareness brings clarity and conviction to one’s actions, ensuring that they are aligned with personal values and goals. Robbins highlights:

  • The importance of self-reflection in uncovering your WHY.
  • How aligning actions with your WHY can enhance satisfaction and effectiveness.
  • The impact of your WHY on personal branding and attracting like-minded individuals or clients.

Why This Matters

The conversation with Richard Robbins sheds light on fundamental yet often overlooked aspects of professional success and personal fulfillment. The insights provided are a testament to the fact that:

  • Success in any field is rooted in authenticity and genuine connections.
  • Redefining traditional approaches, like cold calling, can lead to more meaningful outcomes.
  • Understanding and living your WHY is pivotal in navigating life’s challenges and opportunities.

For anyone at a crossroads, seeking to deepen connections, or striving for a greater sense of purpose, Robbins’ shared wisdom offers a blueprint for transformation. It’s an invitation to reevaluate how we interact, why we do what we do, and ultimately, how we define success.

Embark on this journey of discovery and growth by reflecting on these insights. Let them inspire you to forge deeper connections, redefine your approach to challenges, and embrace your WHY. Your path to personal and professional fulfillment might just be a conversation away.


Discover your WHY.os now for 50% off! Click here to purchase today or visit to learn more!

If you love the show, please don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a review and rating on whatever platform you are using. Thank you so much for being here. I will see you in the next episode.


About Richard Robbins

As one of North America’s most preeminent authorities on real estate sales and business performance, Richard Robbins has developed a business dedicated to discovering your passion, unleashing your potential and building a business that supports the life you want to live.

Co-founder and CEO of one of North America’s top real estate training and coaching organizations; Richard Robbins International (RRI), Richard has been a leader in his industry for over two decades delivering actionable advice, intelligent insights and show-stopping conferences.

An international speaker, author and real estate business coach, Richard has dedicated his life to delivering transformative learning and leadership to the 10,000+ RRI Coaching graduates and over 350,000 real estate professionals who have attended RRI’s world class conferences since 1998.

A real estate sales professional and broker turned business mentor; Richard boasts a 35 year career in the industry he continues to lead every day. His relentless commitment to excellence fuels his organization and is the reason why he has become a mentor to thousands of real estate professionals across the world.

Armed with one goal in mind, Richard believes that everyone is capable of building a business and life they love.

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10 Viral Secrets to Success: Cathey Armillas’ Blueprint from Marketing Genius to TEDx Coach


Guest: Cathey Armillas
WHY.os: Challenge – Better Way – Trust 

Cathey Armillas isn’t just anyone. She’s a marketing pro who turned her sights on helping people give the best TED talks they can. She’s been through a lot, from tough personal challenges to big wins in the business world. Cathey’s got a knack for storytelling and knows how to connect with people, making her the perfect guest for this episode.

By tuning in, you’ll learn:

  • How Cathey turned her toughest times into stepping stones for success.
  • The secret sauce behind a viral TED talk that connects and sticks.
  • Practical advice for anyone looking to step onto the TED stage and knock it out of the park.

Don’t miss out on this episode. It’s packed with stories and tips that could help you bring your own big ideas into the spotlight. Hit play and start your journey to the TED stage today.

Connect with Cathey!


Watch the episode here

01:40 – Cathey Armillas’ Background
02:12 – Overcoming Personal Adversity
04:22 – Finding Purpose in Sports
09:26 – Career Beginnings and Marketing Success
16:27 – Viral Marketing Success Story
19:49 – Transition to TEDx Coaching
23:40 – The Elements of a Successful TED Talk
31:16 – Importance of a TED Talk Title
39:20 – Advice for Aspiring TED Speakers



How Cathey Armillas Turned Adversity into TEDx Awesomeness: Lessons on Resilience, Viral Success, and Speaking Magic

Let’s chat about someone super inspiring: Cathey Armillas. Ever heard her story? Well, buckle up because Cathey’s tale isn’t just inspiring—it’s a masterclass in turning life’s punches into knockout victories, especially when it comes to lighting up the TEDx stage.

Meet Cathey Armillas: The Unstoppable Force

Cathey Armillas isn’t just another name in the crowd. She’s a force of nature who’s mastered the art of bouncing back—hard. From facing personal challenges that would have stopped many in their tracks to becoming a sought-after TEDx coach, Cathey’s story is the one you need to hear if you’ve ever thought about giving up.

Dive into Cathey’s World: Major Takeaways from Her Journey
Transforming Trials into Triumphs

Imagine moving cities, facing family upheavals, and battling depression—all before your career even kicks off. That’s Cathey’s early life in a nutshell. But here’s the kicker: she didn’t let these challenges define her. Instead, Cathey channeled her energy into sports, finding discipline and a sense of purpose. Her story teaches us that no matter the obstacles, there’s always a path forward.

A Marketing Maverick Goes Viral

Before “viral” was a buzzword, Cathey was there, pioneering one of the first-ever viral marketing campaigns. She took a mundane product—an industrial shredder—and turned it into an internet sensation. This wasn’t just luck; it was a testament to her creative genius and understanding of what catches the public’s eye. Cathey proves that with the right angle, anything can capture the world’s attention.

The Magic of TEDx Coaching

Transitioning from marketing to TEDx coaching might seem like a leap, but for Cathey, it was a natural step. She didn’t just become a coach; she became a TEDx whisperer, guiding speakers to convey their ideas powerfully and authentically. Cathey’s approach isn’t about fancy slides or theatrics; it’s about connecting deeply with your audience and sharing ideas that resonate on a human level.

Learning from Cathey: Nuggets of Wisdom for Aspiring TEDx Speakers

Resilience Is Key: Cathey’s life shows us that resilience isn’t just about surviving; it’s about thriving. Her ability to turn personal challenges into stepping stones is a powerful reminder to keep pushing, even when the going gets tough.

Creativity Can Make Anything Interesting: Remember the viral shredder? Cathey’s creative marketing strategy turned a seemingly boring product into a worldwide phenomenon. It’s a lesson in looking at what you have from a new angle and finding the story that captivates.

Authenticity Wins on the TEDx Stage: Cathey’s success as a TEDx coach boils down to one thing: authenticity. She teaches speakers to tap into their true selves and share their ideas from a place of genuine passion. It’s not just about what you say but how you make people feel.

Embrace Your Own TEDx Journey

Inspired yet? Cathey Armillas’ journey from overcoming personal adversities to becoming a TEDx coaching legend is a testament to the power of resilience, creativity, and authenticity. Whether you’re dreaming of the TEDx stage or just looking to leave a mark in your world, Cathey’s story is a beacon of hope and a playbook for success.

Feeling ready to share your own ideas with the world? Take a leaf out of Cathey’s book and start crafting your story with heart, creativity, and a dash of bravery. Who knows? You might just be the next viral sensation or TEDx star in the making. Dive into the full episode to soak up all the wisdom Cathe

y has to offer. It’s your time to shine—go make it happen!

Discover your WHY.os now for 50% off! Click here to purchase today or visit to learn more!

If you love the show, please don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a review and rating on whatever platform you are using. Thank you so much for being here. I will see you in the next episode.


About Cathey Armillas

Meet Cathey Armillas—an accomplished marketer turned sought-after TED/speaker coach. It all started when one of her clients got asked to give a TED Talk. That pivotal moment led Cathey to dive into the world of coaching, where she blends her marketing savvy with a deep understanding of psychology. She doesn’t just coach, she empowers people to share captivating ideas that truly connect. With Cathey, it’s about more than crafting a story;it’s about creating genuine bonds with your audience. Her passion? Making storytelling a game-changer for anyone wanting to impact others with their ideas.