
Kevin Thompson’s Active Appreciation Challenge: 10 Messages, Big Impact


Guest: Kevin Thompson
WHY.os: Contribute – Clarify – Trust

Kevin Thompson is a relationship-building expert and entrepreneur who has mastered the art of making authentic connections that drive success. With decades of experience, Kevin has helped countless business owners create meaningful partnerships by focusing on contribution and trust. In this episode, Kevin shares how his approach to business is rooted in helping others succeed first, which in turn fuels his own achievements.

  • How giving leads to personal and business growth
  • Why genuine relationships are the foundation of long-term success
  • Practical tips to balance family and business without sacrificing either

Tune in now to hear Kevin’s straightforward advice on making a lasting impact.

Connect with Kevin!


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02:15 – The Importance of Contribution
06:40 – Building Authentic Relationships
11:05 – Embracing Vulnerability in Business
16:30 – The Power of Giving Over Receiving
21:50 – Balancing Family and Business
27:20 – Using Revenue to Create Impact
32:45 – The Challenge of Receiving Help
38:10 – Strategic Partnerships for Mutual Benefit
44:25 – Impact vs. Profit
49:00 – The Active Appreciation Challenge


How Giving First Leads to Lasting Success: Lessons from Kevin Thompson

When it comes to building lasting success, Kevin Thompson knows a thing or two. He’s not your typical business guru. Instead of focusing on the hard grind or quick wins, Kevin’s secret sauce is all about relationships—authentic, meaningful connections that go beyond transactions. In this episode of Beyond Your WHY, Kevin talks about how putting others first, whether in business or life, creates a ripple effect that ultimately leads to your own success. And believe me, this isn’t just feel-good advice—it’s practical, proven, and totally doable.

Kevin’s approach isn’t about networking for the sake of it. He’s built a career helping others grow by first understanding what they need and then figuring out how he can support them. He talks about how the business world often gets it backward—focusing too much on the “what’s in it for me” and too little on “how can I help?” And here’s the kicker: when you stop worrying about yourself, that’s when things start to fall into place. “When others succeed, I succeed,” Kevin says, and that mindset has been the foundation of his entire career.

Building Relationships, Not Transactions

Kevin dives deep into the idea that genuine relationships—not transactions—are the key to long-term success. In the episode, he shares how approaching people with the intention to help, rather than to get something in return, has completely transformed his business. It’s not just about finding clients; it’s about finding people you want to see win. “Focus on relationships, not transactions,” Kevin says. That simple shift in mindset can change everything in how you approach your career and personal life.

The best part? You don’t need to be a super-connector or a natural extrovert to apply Kevin’s advice. He gives actionable tips, like taking time each day to reach out to people you appreciate. He even suggests sending a message to 10 people in your contact list just to let them know you value them. No sales pitch, no hidden agenda—just appreciation. That’s how you build a network of people who not only like you but are eager to help you when the time comes.

The Power of Giving Without Expectation

Another major takeaway from the episode is Kevin’s focus on giving without expecting anything in return. It sounds counterintuitive, especially in a world where we’re taught to hustle and grind. But Kevin explains that when you shift your mindset to giving first, incredible things start to happen. He shares how this principle has led to partnerships and opportunities that he never could have predicted. “Give, and it will come back to you,” he says, but warns that it’s not always immediate or obvious. The point isn’t to give with strings attached—it’s to give because it feels right, and in time, the rewards will find you.

This giving-first mentality has shaped the way Kevin approaches not just his business relationships, but also his family life. “I don’t work weekends; that’s family time,” he shares, underscoring the importance of setting boundaries and putting your priorities in order. His philosophy is a reminder that success isn’t just about the bottom line; it’s also about how you show up for the people who matter most.

Embracing Vulnerability and Asking for Help

One of the more surprising insights from Kevin was his take on vulnerability. For someone who’s spent his career helping others, you’d think he’d be a natural at receiving help. But Kevin admits that wasn’t always the case. “I used to suck at receiving,” he confesses, explaining that learning to ask for help was a game-changer for him, both personally and professionally. He talks about how vulnerability and openness have allowed him to build deeper, more meaningful connections—something that has enriched both his business and his life.

By embracing vulnerability and stepping away from the typical “lone wolf” mentality, Kevin has been able to open doors to opportunities and partnerships that would have been out of reach otherwise. It’s a lesson we can all take to heart—sometimes, asking for help is the bravest and smartest thing you can do.

How to Start Applying Kevin’s Wisdom Today

If there’s one thing to take away from this episode, it’s that success isn’t just about working harder—it’s about working smarter by focusing on relationships, giving without expectation, and embracing vulnerability. Kevin Thompson’s approach to business and life is simple, but incredibly effective. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business leader, or just someone looking to make deeper connections, his advice will resonate and inspire.

Ready to dive deeper into these lessons? Listen to the full episode of Beyond Your WHY with Kevin Thompson and start applying these insights to your life today. You’ll be amazed at the results.

About Kevin Thompson

After selling $16.1 Million of his own products and services solely through strategic partnerships, Kevin Thompson intimately understands the value of relationships.

As host of the Million Dollar Relationships podcast and founder of the Impact & Legacy Collective he creates positive change on a global scale by facilitating relationships that impact millions of people.

In his role as the conduit of trust for those he serves, Kevin cuts through the red tape, quickly opens doors that are closed to others, eliminates rejection and guarantees a red-carpet reception.

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10 Steps to Simplify Your Success: Insights from JM Ryerson


Guest: JM Ryerson
WHY.os: Simplify – Challenge – Trust

JM Ryerson is a business coach and author known for his focus on simplifying success. Growing up in Montana, he learned the power of keeping things straightforward. In this episode, he shares his insights on how simplicity can lead to greater success in both personal and professional life.

  • Learn why simplifying your approach can lead to big wins.
  • Discover the importance of being authentic and vulnerable.
  • Find out how daily acts of kindness can build strong relationships.

Listen to the episode now and start simplifying your path to success!

Connect with JM!


Watch the episode here

02:15 – Simplifying for Success
05:30 – Early Influences
08:45 – Embrace Vulnerability
12:20 – Daily Acts of Kindness
16:10 – Growth Mindset
20:25 – Small Business Focus
24:50 – Importance of Values Alignment
28:35 – Coaching Approach
33:00 – Overcoming Adversity
37:15 – Books and Resources


Simplify Your Success: Insights from JM Ryerson on the Beyond Your WHY Podcast

Ever feel like life’s way more complicated than it needs to be? Like you’re juggling too many balls and somehow, none of them are staying up? If so, you’re in for a treat. On the latest episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast, Dr. Gary Sanchez sits down with JM Ryerson, a business coach and author who’s all about cutting the fluff and keeping it simple.

JM Ryerson isn’t just another business coach; he’s a guy who believes that simplicity is the key to success. Growing up in Montana, he learned early on that keeping things straightforward can lead to big wins. Now, he’s sharing these insights with the world, helping people and businesses thrive by focusing on what truly matters.

What You’ll Learn from This Episode

  • Simplicity Leads to Success: JM Ryerson breaks down how simplifying your approach in life and business can lead to big results.
  • The Power of Vulnerability: Learn why being your true self can create stronger connections and better leadership.
  • Daily Acts of Kindness: Discover how small gestures of appreciation can build meaningful relationships.

Keeping It Simple for Big Wins

JM Ryerson’s main message is clear: simplicity is powerful. He believes that by breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps, you can achieve greater success without feeling overwhelmed. Whether it’s in your personal life or your business, keeping things simple helps you stay focused and effective.

Embracing Vulnerability

One of the standout moments in the episode is when JM Ryerson talks about the importance of vulnerability. He suggests that leaders who show their true selves, flaws and all, build stronger connections with their teams and clients. This authenticity isn’t just good for relationships; it’s good for business too.

The Magic of Daily Acts of Kindness

Ryerson shares a simple yet powerful practice: sending three messages of appreciation every day. These small acts of kindness, done without expecting anything in return, can have a huge impact on your relationships and overall well-being.

In our busy lives, we often forget the power of small gestures. By consistently showing appreciation, you can build a network of strong, supportive relationships.

JM Ryerson’s insights on simplicity, vulnerability, and kindness offer a refreshing perspective on success. Whether you’re a business owner, a leader, or someone just trying to make life a bit less hectic, this episode has something valuable for you.

Ready to simplify your path to success? Listen to the full episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast with Dr. Gary Sanchez and JM Ryerson now. You won’t want to miss these game-changing insights.

About JM Ryerson

JM Ryerson, a successful entrepreneur and leadership coach, has founded and sold three businesses. With over 20 years of experience in business and sales leadership, he now helps leaders and teams achieve peak performance through coaching, speaking, and writing. As CEO of Let’s Go Win, he’s dedicated to fostering leadership, enhancing culture, and inspiring personal growth.


AutomationWorx: Jamie McKean Secret to Simplified Business


Guest: Jamie McKean
WHY.os: Contribute – Make Sense – Simplify

In this episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast, Dr. Gary Sanchez interviews Jamie McKean, a servant leader and expert in online marketing for coaches and consultants. Jamie has worked with top names like Tony Robbins, and his platform, AutomationWorx, is changing the way businesses handle marketing and sales.

  • Learn how Jamie’s early experiences shaped his approach to helping others succeed.
  • Discover the key strategies Jamie uses to simplify complex business problems.
  • Find out how AutomationWorx can save you time and money by streamlining your processes.

Listen to the full episode to hear Jamie’s story and get practical tips for improving your business.

Connect with Jamie McKean!


Watch the episode here



01:31 – Meet Jamie McKean
02:50 – Jamie’s Early Life and Influences
04:26 – Transition to University and Early Career
10:40 – Career in Banking and Project Management
13:53 – Moving to New Zealand
17:16 – The E-Myth and Entrepreneurial Journey
24:27 – Starting a Business and Early Challenges
31:03 – Coaching Coaches and Business Success
40:07 – Introduction to AutomationWorx



How Jamie McKean is Changing the Game for Coaches and Consultants

Ever wondered how top coaches like Tony Robbins streamline their marketing and sales? Meet Jamie McKean, the mastermind behind AutomationWorx, a platform that’s transforming how coaches and consultants do business. In the latest episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast, Dr. Gary Sanchez sits down with Jamie to discuss his journey, his motivations, and his strategies for success.

Jamie McKean is a leader in online marketing, known for his work with big names like Tony Robbins. With over 15 years of experience, Jamie has a knack for simplifying complex systems, making life easier for his clients. His platform, AutomationWorx, integrates multiple tools into one, saving businesses time and money.

The Key Takeaways from Jamie’s Story

1. Early Influences Shaping His Approach

Jamie’s background is a mix of hard work and empathy. Growing up in England and later moving to New Zealand, he traveled extensively and always had a job or two to support himself. This work ethic and his ability to build deep, lasting friendships have influenced his approach to helping others.

2. Simplifying Complexity

Jamie excels at taking complicated problems and breaking them down into simple, manageable steps. This talent has been crucial in his career, from managing large-scale projects in the banking sector to helping coaches streamline their marketing efforts.

3. AutomationWorx: A Game Changer

AutomationWorx is an all-in-one platform designed to make marketing and sales easier for coaches and consultants. It combines tools like CRM, social media planning, and email marketing into a single system. This integration not only reduces costs but also simplifies the workflow, allowing users to focus on what they do best—coaching.

Jamie’s Career Path: From Banking to Coaching

Jamie’s journey is a testament to his adaptability and drive. Starting in the UK banking sector, he quickly rose to manage significant projects. However, a combination of personal loss and a desire for change led him to New Zealand, where he eventually founded his own business. His experience in managing complex projects equipped him with the skills needed to simplify processes for others.

Why AutomationWorx is a Must-Have

If you’re a coach or consultant, AutomationWorx can be a game-changer. Here’s why:

  • Cost-Efficiency: Combining multiple tools into one platform saves money.
  • Ease of Use: One login for everything means less hassle.
  • Comprehensive Integration: Everything works together seamlessly, reducing the risk of errors and saving time.

Personal Insights and Business Philosophy

Jamie believes in the power of relationships. His approach to business is personal and empathetic, always striving to understand his clients’ needs deeply. This philosophy has helped him build a successful career and create a platform that genuinely makes a difference.

Jamie McKean’s story is inspiring and full of practical insights. From his early life lessons to the creation of AutomationWorx, Jamie’s journey offers valuable takeaways for anyone in the coaching and consulting business.

Don’t miss out on these key lessons:

  • How early experiences shape your professional approach.
  • The importance of simplifying complex systems.
  • The benefits of using an integrated platform like AutomationWorx.

About Jamie McKean

Jamie’s been helping coaches and consultants for the past 15 years with their online marketing.

Helping some of the biggest names in the coaching industry, the likes of the Tony Robbins company, and many more.

Today, Jamie’s focused on helping as many coaches as he can, through his platform: AutomationWorx