Business WHY.os WHY

Why Your WHY is Your Secret Weapon for Standout Marketing and Messaging

It’s Time to Incorporate Your “WHY” Into Your Marketing and Messaging.

Your WHY is the reason behind why you do what you do – and we mean everything – including your chosen profession. When you fully understand this, you can use it to your advantage. You can communicate it effectively to your ideal clients and customers, and attract those who share your values and vision. 

Now, we know what you’re thinking: “Why do I need a ‘WHY’? I just want to sell my products and services!” But if you’re a businessman or woman you already know that customer retention is a lot longer when the customer shares your values? It’s like the old saying goes, “Sell to the right people, not just any people.”

Using Your WHY In Your Marketing & Messaging

1. Highlight your values in your branding and messaging
Make sure that your branding and communication reflects your values and purpose, and that your WHY is clearly communicated in your marketing materials. You must stand in your WHY, even if it turns away some clients or customers. If they don’t appreciate your values they wouldn’t be long-lasting or ideal customers anyways, let them go and focus on the ones that will be a better fit!
2. Share your story
People are drawn to stories – it’s in our DNA. The best marketers are the ones that have mastered the art of storytelling. Share your personal story and the journey that led you to your WHY. This will help humanize your brand and build a deeper connection with your target audience. Think of it as your own “rags to riches” story.
3. Are you supporting a cause?
Are you spearheading change in this world or making a difference somewhere significant? Highlighting your cause throughout your messaging will help your target audience to connect with your brand. When you focus on the positive impact your business is having, you’ll be able to attract clients who feel the same. And hey you just might get a few extra Contributes into your client roster – no one loves supporting a cause quite like the Contributes in the world. 😉
4. Continuously revisit your WHY
As your business grows and evolves, you may drift from your WHY. Don’t do that! Keep it top of mind and woven in so deeply into the company that you could never forget who you are and WHY you are doing what you do! 
Never lose sight of your true motivations in the world (your WHY!) and you’ll always have passion for what you’re doing.

Incorporating your WHY into your marketing and messaging is a powerful way to stand out, connect with your target audience and achieve success. By highlighting your values and your purpose, sharing your story, focusing on the impact, and continuously revisiting your WHY, you’ll be able to build a strong, authentic brand that resonates with your target audience. And, who knows, you may even find yourself a little more in the process!

If you want to learn more about using the WHY within your business, click here 👉 Business WHY.os

Download your Business WHY Checklist below to see what you can do to implement this into your company. 

Contribute Personal WHY.os WHY

Finding My Compass

A Lost Puppy

I discovered my WHY back in 2015 – a sophomore in college with little respect to what I was doing in my life. I felt like everyone had it figured out, they found the secret sauce and those sons of bees were keeping it from me. While everyone else walked through life with confidence and purpose I just sort of walked – hoping life would figure its self out. I was going to my classes, getting decent grades, and doing everything I was supposed to be doing but for someone who had her whole life ahead of her, I was lost.

I had no real idea what I wanted to do and was just living life day-to-day, hoping that I would magically find the path I was meant to be on. Well,  a turning point came when my best friends and I went to dinner with Dr. Sanchez (p.s. my best friend is his daughter so no this was not an uncommon occurrence). Little did I know, this dinner would change the trajectory of my life.


When A Better Way Finds You

I won’t go into too much  detail but let’s just say I was given my WHY and may or may not have cried while salads were being served. It was an emotional, deeply psychological grilling, or at least thats what it felt like.  By the end of it, I found out that my WHY is to Contribute, to have an impact in the lives of others. To make a difference.

It all started to make sense why I felt so lost. I wasn’t doing anything to make a real impact. I was always there for my friends and trust me I gave my share of unsolicited advice whether they wanted it or not, but my current reality was me only serving myself, for the most part. I didn’t know that I needed to be involved in causes – places where I could make a difference and have an impact. And that realization lead me to my path. It brought clarity and certainty that I would never be happy with what I was doing and that changes needed to be made. These changes didn’t feel so scary because I finally had a north star to follow – my WHY.

Now What gif

Now What?

So why am I telling you this and why should you care? Well, you don’t necessarily have to give a dang about my life or my story but I am sure you’ve been in a place where you felt lost and unsure of your path just like me. If you’re reading this, you’ve likely discovered your WHY too and hopefully you had the ‘ah-ha moment’ like me but if you haven’t yet than I hope my ‘WHY in Life’ blog can help you put your WHY in focus. As a Contribute, you already know that what gives me energy is helping others and that’s what I’m here to do.

Welcome to the WHY in Life blog, a new publication for those seeking more clarity on how to live their WHY to the fullest. I will be posting advice, monthly challenges, and diving deep into what it means to have each WHY so you can learn how to live your WHY to the absolute fullest. I will be available for any questions you have, you can think of me as your “WHY Yoda,” although I won’t pretend I’m a master but I will do everything I can to help.

Buckle up and join me on this ride – it’s gonna be a bumpy one but we’ll come out victorious on the other side.