
4 Virtues Every Successful Business Person Must Have


Guest: Diana Wu David
WHY.os: Better Way – Challenge – Trust

In this episode of Beyond Your WHY, Dr. Gary Sanchez interviews Diana Wu David, an expert in future-proofing careers and author of “Future Proof: Reinventing Work in an Age of Acceleration.” Diana shares her insights on how to stay relevant and satisfied in today’s fast-changing world. Her practical advice and forward-thinking approach make her a must-listen for anyone looking to thrive in their career.

  • Learn the importance of adapting to change and constantly seeking better ways.
  • Discover why collaboration and networking are crucial for success.
  • Understand the value of experimenting and reinventing yourself.

Tune in to this episode for actionable tips and strategies from Diana Wu David that will help you stay ahead in your career.

Connect with Diana!


Watch the episode here

  • [08:15] – The Importance of Better Ways
  • [13:40] – Adapting to Change
  • [19:10] – Focus on Future Proofing
  • [24:50] – Collaboration and Networking
  • [29:25] – Experimentation and Reinvention
  • [33:55] – Listening as a Key Skill
  • [38:20] – Challenges in Later Career Stages
  • [43:45] – Role of DNA in Future Careers
  • [48:30] – Vision for a Satisfying Work Life


Future-Proof Your Career: Insights from Diana Wu David on Beyond Your WHY

In the latest episode of Beyond Your WHY, Dr. Gary Sanchez sits down with Diana Wu David, a renowned expert in future-proofing careers and author of “Future Proof: Reinventing Work in an Age of Acceleration.” Diana’s practical advice and forward-thinking approach make her a must-listen for anyone looking to thrive in their career. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from this enlightening conversation.

Why Diana Wu David is Important

Diana Wu David is more than just an expert; she’s a guide for those looking to stay relevant in a rapidly changing world. Her experience and insights are invaluable for anyone wanting to navigate the complexities of today’s job market. Her book has helped countless individuals reinvent their work lives, and her strategies are both practical and inspiring.

The Power of Adaptation

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to adapt is crucial. Diana emphasizes that learning new skills and staying flexible can make a significant difference in your career. “The only constant is change,” she says, highlighting how quickly technology and societal norms evolve.

Tips for Staying Adaptable:

  • Continuous Learning: Diana shares that one of the best ways to stay relevant is by being a lifelong learner. She suggests dedicating a small portion of your week to learning something new, whether it’s through online courses, reading, or attending workshops.
  • Embrace Technology: Don’t shy away from new tools and platforms. Diana advises, “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. The more you expose yourself to new tech, the easier it becomes.”
  • Flexibility in Roles: Be open to taking on different roles within your organization. “Sometimes the best opportunities come from unexpected places,” she notes, encouraging listeners to step out of their comfort zones.

Future-Proofing Your Career

Diana’s book, “Future Proof: Reinventing Work in an Age of Acceleration,” is a treasure trove of strategies for staying relevant. In the episode, she discusses how you can develop essential skills and mindsets to ensure you’re always in demand. From networking to continuous learning, Diana’s advice is both actionable and inspiring.

Strategies from the Book:

  • Networking: “Your network is your net worth,” Diana asserts. Building and maintaining a robust professional network is key to staying relevant. She suggests actively participating in industry events, both online and offline, and using platforms like LinkedIn to connect with thought leaders.
  • Skill Development: Focus on building a diverse skill set. Diana mentions, “In a world where job roles are constantly changing, having a broad skill set makes you more adaptable and valuable.” She recommends identifying gaps in your current skills and seeking out resources to fill them.
  • Mindset Shifts: Embrace a growth mindset. Diana explains that believing in your ability to learn and grow can significantly impact your career resilience. “Approach challenges as opportunities to learn rather than obstacles,” she advises.

Collaboration is Key

Building strong networks and working effectively in teams are vital for success. Diana highlights the importance of collaboration, sharing tips on how to build meaningful connections and work harmoniously with others. Whether you’re in a corporate setting or working remotely, these insights are invaluable.

Tips for Effective Collaboration:

  • Building Trust: “Trust is the foundation of any successful team,” Diana says. She suggests being transparent and consistent in your actions to build trust with your colleagues.
  • Communication: Clear and open communication is essential. “Don’t assume everyone is on the same page. Regular check-ins and updates can prevent misunderstandings,” Diana advises.
  • Leveraging Strengths: Understand and utilize the strengths of your team members. “Everyone brings something unique to the table. Recognizing and leveraging these strengths can lead to better team performance,” she explains.

Diana Wu David’s insights are a goldmine for anyone looking to thrive in their career. From embracing change and seeking better ways to the importance of collaboration and continuous learning, her advice is both practical and inspiring. If you’re looking to future-proof your career and find satisfaction in your work, don’t miss this episode of Beyond Your WHY.

About Diana Wu David

Best-selling author, Future Proof: Reinventing Work in An Age of Acceleration

A former Financial Times executive, Diana is Top 50 global work futurist, expert on effective leadership and boards and best-selling author of the Inc. magazine Top 10 Innovation book, Future Proof: Reinventing Work in the Age of Acceleration. She works with leaders who want to change the game and prepare their organizations to harness accelerating disruption and drive breakthrough results.



Dr. Ivan Misner’s 8 Rules for Building a Global Networking Empire

Guest: Dr. Ivan Misner
WHY.os: Contribute – Simplify – Right Way

Dr. Ivan Misner is a titan of networking and a beacon of entrepreneurial success, renowned for founding BNI, the world’s largest business networking organization. With a legacy that spans the creation of a global empire facilitating billions in business referrals, Dr. Misner’s insights are invaluable. His journey from humble beginnings to a New York Times bestselling author and a recognized authority in business networking makes him a pivotal figure for anyone looking to thrive in the interconnected world of business.

Three Major Takeaways from this Episode:

  • How a commitment to contributing to others’ success can be the cornerstone of a global enterprise, as demonstrated by Dr. Misner’s foundational philosophy for BNI.
  • The transformative power of education and mentorship in shaping a leader, illustrated by Dr. Misner’s personal academic journey and the influence of leadership experts like Warren Bennis.
  • The accidental origins of BNI and the importance of seizing opportunities, showcasing how Dr. Misner’s initial need for referrals led to the creation of an international networking behemoth.

Don’t miss out on the chance to gain wisdom from the master of networking himself. Listen to this episode to unlock the secrets of building a global network and the profound impact of finding your “why” in business and life. Tune in now to “Beyond Your WHY” and let Dr. Ivan Misner inspire your next big move.

Connect with Paul!


Watch the episode here

00:02:50 Contribution leads to meaningful impact.
00:12:02 Overcoming adversity builds resilience.
00:18:23 BNI started for personal referrals.
00:18:25 Vision and trust drive growth.
00:24:14 Culture and systems drive success.
00:29:30 Cultivating relationships through helping others.
00:40:00 Hard work leads to success.
00:41:49 Hard work is essential for success.
00:48:14 Every generation has its differences.
00:53:37 Importance of handling challenges gracefully.


Listen to the podcast here


Master Networking with Dr. Ivan Misner: Unveiling the Power of Purpose-Driven Business


In the latest riveting episode of “Beyond Your WHY,” host Dr. Gary Sanchez sits down with the legendary Dr. Ivan Misner, the visionary founder of BNI – the world’s premier business networking organization. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for entrepreneurs, business owners, and networking professionals. Dr. Misner, often hailed as the “father of modern networking” by Forbes and CNN, shares his profound journey and the pivotal moments that shaped his illustrious career.

Why Dr. Ivan Misner’s Insights Are Invaluable

Dr. Misner isn’t just a networking guru; he’s a strategic genius whose contributions have redefined the art of building professional relationships. His story is a testament to the power of understanding your “why” and leveraging it to create an international business phenomenon. With BNI’s staggering achievement of generating over $20.4 billion in business for its members, Dr. Misner’s episode is not just a podcast—it’s a masterclass in networking excellence.

The WHY of Contribute

Dr. Misner’s philosophy centers on the WHY of Contribute —how to add value and make a significant impact in the lives of others. This principle is the bedrock of BNI and has propelled the organization to dizzying heights of success.

The Role of Education and Mentorship

The episode delves into Dr. Misner’s educational journey, highlighting the transformative role of mentorship and continuous learning. His experiences at USC under the guidance of leadership expert Warren Bennis underscore the importance of great mentors in achieving business success.

Seizing Opportunities

Listeners will be captivated by the serendipitous origins of BNI. Dr. Misner’s candid recount of BNI’s accidental beginnings serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of seizing opportunities and the unexpected paths to success.

The Importance of Dr. Ivan Misner’s Journey

Dr. Misner’s journey is a blueprint for anyone looking to excel in their professional life. His strategic approach to networking and his commitment to providing value are what set him apart as a global business leader. His influence extends beyond BNI; he’s a bestselling author, a sought-after keynote speaker, and a thought leader whose opinions shape the future of business networking.

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, “Beyond Your WHY” with Dr. Ivan Misner is an episode that promises to change the way you think about networking, leadership, and business growth. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the master himself. Click here to listen to the full episode and transform your approach to business networking today!

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If you love the show, please don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a review and rating on whatever platform you are using. Thank you so much for being here. I will see you in the next episode.


About Dr. Ivan Misner

Dr. Ivan Misner is the Founder & Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, the world’s largest business networking organization. Founded in 1985, the organization now has over 11,000 chapters in 76 countries throughout every populated continent of the world. Last year alone, BNI generated 13.3 million referrals resulting in more than $20.4 billion dollars worth of business for its members.

Dr. Misner’s Ph.D. is from the University of Southern California. He is a New York Times Bestselling author who has written 29 books including his newest – The 3rd Paradigm, A Radical Shift to Greater Success. He is also a columnist for and has been a university professor as well as a member of the Board of Trustees for the University of La Verne.  

Called the “Father of Modern Networking” by both Forbes and CNN, Dr. Misner is considered to be one of the world’s leading experts on business networking and has been a keynote speaker for major corporations and associations throughout the world. He has been featured in the L.A. Times, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times, as well as numerous TV and radio shows including CNN, the BBC, and The Today Show on NBC.

He has traveled to all seven continents of the world, including Antarctica. Among his many awards, he has been named “Humanitarian of the Year” by the Red Cross and has been the recipient of the John C. Maxwell Leadership Award. He is especially proud that he and his late wife, Elisabeth, are the Co-Founders of the BNI Charitable Foundation. Oh, and in his spare time!!!  he is also an amateur magician and a black belt in karate.

(Production notes for reference: his name is pronounced “m-ize-ner”.)