
Kevin Thompson’s Active Appreciation Challenge: 10 Messages, Big Impact


Guest: Kevin Thompson
WHY.os: Contribute – Clarify – Trust

Kevin Thompson is a relationship-building expert and entrepreneur who has mastered the art of making authentic connections that drive success. With decades of experience, Kevin has helped countless business owners create meaningful partnerships by focusing on contribution and trust. In this episode, Kevin shares how his approach to business is rooted in helping others succeed first, which in turn fuels his own achievements.

  • How giving leads to personal and business growth
  • Why genuine relationships are the foundation of long-term success
  • Practical tips to balance family and business without sacrificing either

Tune in now to hear Kevin’s straightforward advice on making a lasting impact.

Connect with Kevin!


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02:15 – The Importance of Contribution
06:40 – Building Authentic Relationships
11:05 – Embracing Vulnerability in Business
16:30 – The Power of Giving Over Receiving
21:50 – Balancing Family and Business
27:20 – Using Revenue to Create Impact
32:45 – The Challenge of Receiving Help
38:10 – Strategic Partnerships for Mutual Benefit
44:25 – Impact vs. Profit
49:00 – The Active Appreciation Challenge


How Giving First Leads to Lasting Success: Lessons from Kevin Thompson

When it comes to building lasting success, Kevin Thompson knows a thing or two. He’s not your typical business guru. Instead of focusing on the hard grind or quick wins, Kevin’s secret sauce is all about relationships—authentic, meaningful connections that go beyond transactions. In this episode of Beyond Your WHY, Kevin talks about how putting others first, whether in business or life, creates a ripple effect that ultimately leads to your own success. And believe me, this isn’t just feel-good advice—it’s practical, proven, and totally doable.

Kevin’s approach isn’t about networking for the sake of it. He’s built a career helping others grow by first understanding what they need and then figuring out how he can support them. He talks about how the business world often gets it backward—focusing too much on the “what’s in it for me” and too little on “how can I help?” And here’s the kicker: when you stop worrying about yourself, that’s when things start to fall into place. “When others succeed, I succeed,” Kevin says, and that mindset has been the foundation of his entire career.

Building Relationships, Not Transactions

Kevin dives deep into the idea that genuine relationships—not transactions—are the key to long-term success. In the episode, he shares how approaching people with the intention to help, rather than to get something in return, has completely transformed his business. It’s not just about finding clients; it’s about finding people you want to see win. “Focus on relationships, not transactions,” Kevin says. That simple shift in mindset can change everything in how you approach your career and personal life.

The best part? You don’t need to be a super-connector or a natural extrovert to apply Kevin’s advice. He gives actionable tips, like taking time each day to reach out to people you appreciate. He even suggests sending a message to 10 people in your contact list just to let them know you value them. No sales pitch, no hidden agenda—just appreciation. That’s how you build a network of people who not only like you but are eager to help you when the time comes.

The Power of Giving Without Expectation

Another major takeaway from the episode is Kevin’s focus on giving without expecting anything in return. It sounds counterintuitive, especially in a world where we’re taught to hustle and grind. But Kevin explains that when you shift your mindset to giving first, incredible things start to happen. He shares how this principle has led to partnerships and opportunities that he never could have predicted. “Give, and it will come back to you,” he says, but warns that it’s not always immediate or obvious. The point isn’t to give with strings attached—it’s to give because it feels right, and in time, the rewards will find you.

This giving-first mentality has shaped the way Kevin approaches not just his business relationships, but also his family life. “I don’t work weekends; that’s family time,” he shares, underscoring the importance of setting boundaries and putting your priorities in order. His philosophy is a reminder that success isn’t just about the bottom line; it’s also about how you show up for the people who matter most.

Embracing Vulnerability and Asking for Help

One of the more surprising insights from Kevin was his take on vulnerability. For someone who’s spent his career helping others, you’d think he’d be a natural at receiving help. But Kevin admits that wasn’t always the case. “I used to suck at receiving,” he confesses, explaining that learning to ask for help was a game-changer for him, both personally and professionally. He talks about how vulnerability and openness have allowed him to build deeper, more meaningful connections—something that has enriched both his business and his life.

By embracing vulnerability and stepping away from the typical “lone wolf” mentality, Kevin has been able to open doors to opportunities and partnerships that would have been out of reach otherwise. It’s a lesson we can all take to heart—sometimes, asking for help is the bravest and smartest thing you can do.

How to Start Applying Kevin’s Wisdom Today

If there’s one thing to take away from this episode, it’s that success isn’t just about working harder—it’s about working smarter by focusing on relationships, giving without expectation, and embracing vulnerability. Kevin Thompson’s approach to business and life is simple, but incredibly effective. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business leader, or just someone looking to make deeper connections, his advice will resonate and inspire.

Ready to dive deeper into these lessons? Listen to the full episode of Beyond Your WHY with Kevin Thompson and start applying these insights to your life today. You’ll be amazed at the results.

About Kevin Thompson

After selling $16.1 Million of his own products and services solely through strategic partnerships, Kevin Thompson intimately understands the value of relationships.

As host of the Million Dollar Relationships podcast and founder of the Impact & Legacy Collective he creates positive change on a global scale by facilitating relationships that impact millions of people.

In his role as the conduit of trust for those he serves, Kevin cuts through the red tape, quickly opens doors that are closed to others, eliminates rejection and guarantees a red-carpet reception.

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How to Make Sense of Networking: 7 Tips from a Pro


Guest: Mark J. Carter
WHY.os: Make Sense – Challenge – Clarify

Mark J. Carter is a networking expert, social media strategist, and podcast host who went from being an introverted high school student to a successful networker. Mark’s experiences in sales, public speaking, and coaching have shaped his approach to building meaningful relationships in business. His book, Idea Climbing, provides actionable advice on how to create and sustain a strong network.

  • Learn how to build strong relationships and get valuable referrals.
  • Discover the benefits of niche networking events over large, generic ones.
  • Find out how to use social media to grow your professional network effectively.

Listen to the episode now to hear Mark’s straightforward tips and stories that can help you connect with others and succeed in your career.

Connect with Mark!


Watch the episode here


00:00 The Power of Making Sense
03:03 From Introvert to Expert Networker
09:11 Navigating the Transition from Sales to Coaching
19:33 The Importance of Networking and Building Relationships
21:23 Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Networking
23:20 Building Relationships and Getting Referrals
27:06 Memorable Interviews and Unexpected Opportunities
29:08 Favorite Interviews and Lessons Learned


From Introvert to Networking Pro: How Mark J. Carter Turned Relationships into Success

In this episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast, Dr. Gary Sanchez chats with Mark J. Carter—a guy who’s cracked the code on networking, even though he started out as the shy kid in high school. Mark’s story is a relatable one, filled with twists and turns that led him from sales to coaching, and eventually to becoming a social media strategist and podcast host. But what makes Mark special isn’t just his resume—it’s how he turned building relationships into a powerful tool for success. Whether you’re a seasoned networker or someone who still breaks a sweat at the thought of small talk, Mark’s insights offer something for everyone.

Now, why should you care about what Mark has to say? For one, he’s not just another “networking guru” throwing around buzzwords. He’s a guy who’s been in the trenches, made his fair share of mistakes, and figured out what really works when it comes to connecting with people. Plus, he’s got this knack for making complex situations understandable—a skill that comes in handy whether you’re at a networking event or trying to make sense of a chaotic work project. So, grab your coffee (or whatever helps you focus), and let’s dive into the good stuff.

The Power of Making Sense

Mark’s journey has been all about making sense of the chaos around him. He’s got what Dr. Gary Sanchez calls the “Make Sense” WHY, which is all about solving problems and breaking down complex situations into something everyone can understand. This is a skill that served him well as he transitioned from sales to coaching. In Mark’s words, “You help people get unstuck and move forward by helping them solve their problems.” It’s not about being the loudest voice in the room; it’s about cutting through the noise and offering clarity. Whether you’re helping a client understand a product or trying to explain a new strategy to your team, this ability to make sense of things is a game-changer.

Building Relationships Like a Pro

Mark didn’t just wake up one day as a networking expert. It took years of trial and error, but he eventually figured out that the key to successful networking isn’t about how many business cards you can collect—it’s about building real, meaningful relationships. He talks about how niche networking events can be more valuable than large, generic ones because they allow you to connect with people who share your interests and goals. “At the end of the day, it was all about building relationships, getting referrals, and then it eventually started to be, then it became getting into the events,” Mark says. It’s a reminder that the quality of your connections often matters more than the quantity.

Social Media: Your Networking Secret Weapon

In today’s world, if you’re not leveraging social media for networking, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. Mark emphasizes how powerful these platforms can be for expanding your professional network. But it’s not just about blasting out posts and hoping for the best. Mark’s approach is more strategic—he’s all about using social media to build relationships and get referrals. He shares tips on how to engage with your audience in a way that’s authentic and valuable. “I got good at getting right to the point of, okay, I need one actionable idea from every interview I go into,” he explains. This focus on value-driven content is what sets successful networkers apart from those just going through the motions.

Mark J. Carter’s story is a testament to the power of making sense of things, building meaningful relationships, and using the tools at your disposal—like social media—to create success. His journey from introvert to networking pro is proof that you don’t have to be born with a “networking gene” to make it in this world. Instead, it’s about understanding your WHY, focusing on the relationships that matter, and continually learning from each experience.

So, if you’re looking to improve your networking skills or just want to hear some solid advice from someone who’s been there, done that, this episode is a must-listen. Head over to the podcast to catch the full conversation and start applying these insights to your own life. Your network—and your career—will thank you.

About Mark J. Carter

Mark has always been curious about how successful people got where they are in life. He has been interviewing successful people for 25 years, posting interviews online for 12 of those years. Each interview is a “how to” interview which means as a viewer/reader/listener you get actionable advice about how to grow personally and professionally.

Mark’s other projects include events and marketing initiatives. He has collaborated with TED’s founder Richard Saul Wurman to create a world-class conference and helped with branding for the world’s largest chapter of Meeting Professionals International (MPI). He has launched book tours and events for New York Times best-selling business authors, helping them share their big ideas with the world. Mark still enjoys interviewing people and posts many of the interviews on his YouTube station, his Idea Climbing podcast and Idea Climbing internet radio show.

Mark also serves as a podcast host for B2B organizations for entrepreneurs.

Mark’s interviews culminated in his recent book, “Idea Climbing: How to Create a Support System for Your Next Big Idea”

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9 Takeaways from Reef Colman on Living a Purpose-Driven Life: Overcome, Innovate, Succeed


Guest: Reef Colman
WHY.os: Challenge – Mastery – Contribute

In this episode of the Beyond Your WHY Podcast, Dr. Gary Sanchez sits down with Reef Colman, an entrepreneur who has overcome significant personal and professional challenges to achieve success. Reef’s story is a testament to resilience and the power of understanding one’s purpose.

  • Learn how Reef turned early life struggles into stepping stones for success.
  • Discover practical tips for building strong business relationships and trust.
  • Get actionable advice on simplifying complex problems to achieve clarity.

Tune in to hear Reef’s inspiring story and gain valuable insights that can help you on your own path to success. Listen now!

Connect with Reef Colman!


Watch the episode here

04:57 – Early Challenges and Overcoming Adversity
08:05 – High School Experiences
10:18 – Post-High School Journey
24:36 – Starting a Marketing Agency
32:58 – Embracing Failure and Learning from Mistakes
45:01 – Importance of Employee Benefits and Corporate Culture
49:02 – Hiring Process and Finding A-Players
50:23 – Building a Referral-Based Business Model
52:54 – Company Culture and Revolutionary Recruitment Process


10 Game-Changing Tips from Reef Colman: Success Lessons You Can’t Miss

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, few stories are as compelling as that of Reef Colman. From a challenging childhood to significant business success, Reef has navigated numerous obstacles and emerged stronger and wiser. His journey is filled with valuable lessons that can help anyone striving for success. Here’s a closer look at the key takeaways from Reef Colman’s experiences and how you can apply them to your own life.

Turning Struggles into Stepping Stones

Reef Colman’s life wasn’t easy from the start. He faced a multitude of personal and professional challenges, but instead of letting them hold him back, he used them as opportunities for growth. Reef’s story demonstrates the power of resilience. By viewing setbacks as learning experiences, he turned his struggles into stepping stones towards success.

Building Strong Relationships

Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, whether personal or professional. Reef emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining trust. He shares practical tips on how to cultivate trust through consistent actions and integrity. This advice is crucial for anyone looking to build strong, lasting relationships.

Simplifying Complex Problems

One of Reef’s standout skills is his ability to break down complex problems into manageable parts. This approach not only makes problems easier to tackle but also leads to clearer and more effective solutions. Reef’s strategy involves identifying the core issue and systematically addressing each component. This method can help anyone achieve greater clarity and efficiency in their problem-solving efforts.

The Power of Mentorship

Throughout his career, Reef has benefited greatly from mentorship. He believes that having a mentor can provide invaluable guidance and support. Mentors can offer new perspectives, share their experiences, and help you avoid common pitfalls. Reef’s advice is to actively seek out mentors who align with your goals and values.

Embracing Innovation

Innovation is at the heart of Reef’s success. He is always looking for better ways to do things, whether it’s in business processes or personal development. Reef encourages others to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement and to be open to new ideas and approaches. This innovative mindset can lead to breakthroughs and significant advancements.

Resilience and Learning from Failure

Failure is a natural part of the journey to success, and Reef’s story is a testament to this truth. He has faced many failures but views them as opportunities to learn and grow. Reef’s approach to failure involves analyzing what went wrong, learning from the experience, and applying those lessons to future endeavors. This resilience is crucial for anyone looking to achieve long-term success.

Creating a Purpose-Driven Life

Understanding your purpose, or your “WHY,” can provide a strong sense of direction and motivation. Reef found that knowing his WHY gave him clarity and purpose in his actions. This sense of purpose has been a driving force in his success, and it can be for you too. Finding your WHY involves introspection and a deep understanding of what truly motivates you.

Practical Business Tips

Reef shares actionable advice on building a successful business. One of his key strategies is to develop a referral-based business model. By providing exceptional service and building strong relationships with clients, Reef has created a steady stream of referrals. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of hiring the right people—those who align with the company’s values and culture.

Corporate Culture and Employee Benefits

Creating a positive corporate culture and offering meaningful employee benefits are essential for a thriving business. Reef explains how a supportive and inclusive workplace can lead to higher employee satisfaction and productivity. By investing in your employees’ well-being, you create a motivated and loyal workforce.

Revolutionary Recruitment Process

Reef’s approach to recruitment is innovative and effective. He focuses on finding top talent that not only has the right skills but also fits well with the company culture. His recruitment process involves thorough vetting and a clear understanding of what the company needs. This approach ensures that new hires are a good match and can contribute positively to the team.

Reef Colman’s story is filled with lessons that can help you navigate your own path to success. By applying his insights and strategies, you can overcome obstacles, build stronger relationships, and find your purpose. Whether you’re facing personal challenges or looking to grow your business, Reef’s experiences offer practical guidance that can lead to significant improvements in your life and career.

Ready to apply these game-changing tips to your life? Start by identifying your WHY and building trust in your relationships. Embrace innovation, learn from failures, and seek mentorship. By following Reef Colman’s example, you can achieve clarity, purpose, and success in your endeavors.

About Reef Colman

Reef Colman stands as an inspiring leader, epitomizing innovation and impact through his role as the CEO and Founder of Starting from humble origins, Reef’s journey is a testament to his extraordinary mission of effecting positive change across borders and industries. His brainchild,, is revolutionizing business and empowerment by offering efficient, reliable outsourcing services that pave the way for a more interconnected and sustainable future.

Reef’s distinctiveness lies in his unwavering commitment to a global vision. His strategic leadership not only steers his team and partners towards a shared objective but also envisions a future abundant with opportunities for making a meaningful difference. Beyond the business realm,‘s mission extends to nourishing communities worldwide, redefining success by the lives touched and uplifted. Reef’s journey, from his early days to his transformative role in reshaping the outsourcing landscape, is a testament to the leader he has become today.