
So You Work With a Right Way…



If you work with someone with the WHY of Right Way there are benefits as well as challenges. The benefits consist of the fact that a team needs a Right Way in order to flourish, a team needs someone who can systematize, prioritize, and implement processes that works. The challenges can come into play when you are wanting to be creative, spit ball ideas, or go off the rails a bit (I’m talking to the Better Ways and Challenges here), and their mind doesn’t let them get to that point. They can already see issues with these grand ideas and want to bring everyone back down to earth. 


They’re Black and White

saying the wrong things

The difficulty with working with a Right Way comes when you have an exciting idea you can’t wait to get moving on and they shut it down. They are black and white with their processes, and lucky for the team but not so lucky for your idea, they see the big picture and know that now is not the time. There also may be little wiggle room to get them to change their mind. Once a Right Way has decided something is the wrong way… you’ve lost the war. 



You Need a Right Way


looking at spreadsheet

Behind every well-oiled machine team and every successful process, there is a Right Way. It is really, really challenging to have a team where every one is an idea machine. You need someone who can materialize ideas into a structure is the secret key to success for a team. Right Ways have a tendency to do lots of research first to make sure they truly know the correct way to attack a project. You are a great resource of information, processes, and getting things done. 


You’re Lucky to Have Them


supportive david

When it comes down to it, you are lucky to work with someone with the WHY of Right Way. Even if at times they may seem rigid in their responses or decisions, there is usually a lot of research, thought, and experience behind the decision they’ve made. You can count on them to be there for the team, to put things into play, and to keep you on the right path.



To discover if your WHY is Right Way click HERE


Share with your Right Way Coworker 


So You Work With a Better Way…

If you work with or have a coworker with the WHY of Better Way, look out! Innovation coming through! Ideas galore! Those with the WHY of Better Way can’t seem to let their mind slow down; this can cause problems sleeping (I digress) but also a consistent influx of ideation. With a never ending ability to drum up new things in the work place, this is both great and hard on fellow coworkers.


Call a Quick Brainstorming/Ideation Meeting



brainstorming with a better way

Something I have found to be useful when working with Better Ways is that they often aren’t sure what they want, but they’ve come up with an idea and now it is up to you to run with it. This can cause a lot of misunderstanding when you bring it back to them and it wasn’t what they expected. So in order to help this confusion – have a quick 5-10 minute meeting to get on the same page and avoid confusions. Better Ways like to talk through things out-loud in order to ideate and innovate anyway so you’d really be doing them a favor.


Never Fully Finish a Project


Now it may sound contradictory to productivity but another pro tip when working with a Better Way is to never show them a finished product. If you spent all this time on a fully finished project and show it to them just for them to want to change everything so it’s “better” it can feel like what you put hours of work into isn’t appreciated. If you show them a first draft, they can “better way” the heck out of it initially, and let you finish everything up afterwards. This can often really speed up the process for both parties.


Blank Slates Aren’t Their Favorite – Help Them Out

spongebob thinking

One last thing I have learned is that Better Ways have a hard time creating from nothing. While they are great at innovation and coming up with ideas, they often don’t know what they want or don’t want until they see it. It is very hard to give them a blank piece of paper to create. If you do however, give them a paragraph or a design or whatever it may be that they can change and make better – they soar!

Use Their Ability to “Better” Things to Your Advantage

took their idea and made it better

Knowing that someone has the WHY of Better Way can really help you and the team as well. If you are stuck on a project, want some advice, or unsure how to improve it – show it to them. They can immediately help you alter words, designs, or anything to help “better” your project. Having someone with the WHY of Better Way on your team can sometimes feel like they have a hard time moving initially (finding the right words to type or creating from scratch) but with direction, an outline or draft, they can succeed to new heights. They will never stop improving and innovating and a good company needs that kind of a big thinker.






To discover if your WHY is Better Way click HERE

To share with your Better Way coworker simply copy the URL and laugh about it together.