
WHY: Contribute

You’re happiest while you’re making the greatest contribution. 
Robert Kennedy

Contributions. We can think of them as a donation, a supply, or a gift. Those with the WHY of Contribute believe they exist to add value to everyone and everything. Often this can lead to taking on too many projects, too many plans, and in exchange leaving themselves feeling completely exhausted.

Let’s cut to the chase – life is very hectic and often it feels like we are being stretched into a million different directions. Contributes love to be the ones to lend out a helping hand, and thank goodness they do, because we all need a Contribute in our lives. We can find ourselves wishing we were as selfless as a Contribute. But if you are a Contribute you may find yourself feeling like a complete failure if you can’t keep up with this pace. But there is some good news! A few tips to help you out so you can enjoy contributing without feeling spread too thin!

1. Plan
If there is something you could ask for help on or turn over to someone else it could relieve a lot of unnecessary stress. Take a good look at your calendar and make sure what is on there are tasks and projects that only you can do. Are there events on your calendar that are crowding up some much needed time with yourself? Your significant other?

2. Prioritize
Decide what is most important for your own happiness – Contributes can have a hard time being selfish instead of selfish. But let yourself be selfish here.

3. Give yourself permission
Do what you need to do to keep your head above water.

4. Keep Contributing
You are a Contribute! We need you! Never stop being yourself and Contributing!


What is a WHY.os?

What is a WHY.os?

By: Bella Sanchez


Whether you’ve discovered your WHY or not – there is a secret we’ve kept. Discovering your WHY isn’t all the WHY Institute provides. There are next steps in your WHY journey and that is discovering your WHY.os (HOW & WHAT).


What is a HOW?


A HOW is the way in which you bring your WHY to life! It is the way you express your WHY, the way it lives through you. You could very well have the same WHY as someone, but HOW you live your WHY is entirely different so it is important to understand this about yourself and others.


What is a WHAT?


A WHAT is what you ultimately bring. It is what people can depend on you for and may even be what you’re known for! Your WHAT is the way your WHY and HOW come to life. 

What is the “.os” in WHY.os?


The .os in WHY.os refers to combining your WHY, HOW, and WHAT together. It is your operating system, hence, os. When you put your WHY, HOW, and WHAT together in the right sequence, that is when it becomes a game changer. That is when you know yourself to the deepest level and can express who you truly are, how you operate, and how you view the world.


What does knowing your WHY.os do?


Knowing your WHY.os is what puts the whole picture together. Knowing your WHY without the others is simply a piece or two to the puzzle that makes up the total you.

Your WHY is what drives you, your HOW is how you express it, and your WHAT is what you deliver. All of these together are your WHY.os, the essence of who you are.


Figuring this out may seem like a daunting task – and that’s WHY we exist!


What is a ‘WHY’?

What is a ‘WHY’?

Your WHY is your Purpose, Cause, or Belief. It is the essence of your existence. It is the reason you get out of bed every morning. A WHY is something you cannot control or choose. Once you have discovered your WHY, you will look back on your life, your habits, your compulsions, and it will all make sense. 

Your Business also has a WHY- it is the reason it exists and what drives it forward. When you make your business’ WHY known, your clients and customers connect with you on a different level.

Is a WHY another personality test?

While a WHY can tell us a lot about who we are – including our personality – a WHY is more than that! It is not just traits, tendencies, strengths, weaknesses etc. A WHY can be used to choose a career path or even help pick/understand a spouse! Did I mention you can build your company’s culture, branding, marketing and team around your WHY!? Nothing else like this exists! While your WHY can be used in conjunction with a personality test, the WHY app exceeds a personality assessment.

Why do you need to know your WHY?

Have you ever found yourself wondering why your friend, family member, or significant other does things a certain way? Why they do them differently than you or think differently than you? Wouldn’t you want to know how they’re programmed and for them to understand how you are programmed? When you know your WHY and the WHY’s of those most important to you, you can answer these questions and change the course and trajectory of the relationship!

I know in my case, knowing my WHY and the WHY’s of others has greatly impacted my life. I can’t imagine going through life without the ability to understand both myself and others in a deeper, meaningful way. The WHY Institute strives to change this “WHY-less” world. One WHY at a time. One Business WHY at a time.

Knowing your WHY, the WHY’s of those close to you, the WHY of your company, and the WHY of your coworkers is vital to having deeper connections, deeper understanding, and a leg-up on your competition! When your company is centered around your WHY, your whole team is aligned with the same goal and your external branding matches your internal drive. 

Discover your WHY now if you haven’t already!