Personal WHY.os Submissions Uncategorized WHY WHY.os

Should you really follow your bliss? – By Watson Jordan

For years, I’ve heard people say, “You just need to follow your bliss.” And that sounds nice… but for many of us, it’s difficult to take that advice seriously when we have mortgages to pay.

This morning as I was reading, I stumbled across this gem from Howard Thurman: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

At its core, following your bliss means finding work that truly inspires you—work that makes you come alive. This doesn’t mean finding something easy or glamorous. It means finding something that ignites a passion within you and gives your life purpose. This kind of enthusiasm for what we do is attractive to others, and it will draw people towards us who share our values and our vision.

For me, this energy is one of the things I like most about working with the WHY Institute. Their algorithm gives me the language I need to get in touch with my core. It helps me get clearer on my goals and how to reach them using what already comes naturally to me.

When we focus on finding what makes us come alive, we bring out the best in ourselves. We are more attractive and interesting and are given the opportunity to bring our ideas to the world.


I used to tell my kids, “Don’t hide your light under a basket.” When you understand WHY you do what you do, you are one step closer to finding the courage to share your light with the world.

If you’re feeling a little pessimistic, like I was this morning, remember that the best thing you can do is to turn your light on and see where it takes you. You’ll be amazed at what happens when you find out why you do what you do and then go for it. Go ahead – turn the light on.

Personal WHY.os Submissions Uncategorized WHY.os

‘Doing Life On Purpose’ By Jerry Fletcher

Doing Life On Purpose

Completing a WHY.os changes everyone.

Suddenly, you can go from someone that was blindly feeling your way, to an individual that has a keen grasp of why you are here.

You may see the world differently.

For some it’s like coming out of the fog into a sunny day.

Clarity replaces fuzzy thinking.

Intentionality overcomes meandering and all who know you see the shift in your resolve.

It is not a miracle cure.

Simply taking the WHY.os and getting the report won’t accomplish an overnight change maximizing your potential. Individual reactions range from, “This is Bull Pucky!” to “Seems Right” to “This just nails it!”

We are all individuals. Some of us “get it” by osmosis while others seem to have to have it drilled into them. Most of us fall between those two poles and our WHY affects how we react to the insights gained.

A coach is a necessity.

Doing life on purpose becomes the goal.

Having a coach can get you there faster.

Having a coach can increase your clarity.

Having a coach can strengthen your commitment.

It starts with completing a WHY.os.

It ends with doing life on purpose.

And so it goes.

Submissions Uncategorized

Breaking Through Your Terror Barrier

Post Written By: John Livesay 

What terrifies you?

Is it public speaking? Is it failing in front of your friends? Is it calling or reaching out to someone you don’t know?

Research shows that many people have a fear of public speaking. Turns out, there is a word for it! Glossophobia! 

My friend Steve Rohr, wrote a book called “Scared Speechless” and when I interviewed him on my podcast, he said that this fear is instinctual. When we are in front of other people we are separate from the herd and we fear being attacked. 

What about the fear of failing or looking “stupid” in front of your friends or co-workers? This fear stems from the need to be perfect at everything you do, even when you are trying something new for the first time. 

Finally the fear of calling someone “important” or powerful to see if they want to hire you, talk with you, or even buy something from you. Recently, a client said they were facing the “Terror Barrier” of not feeling good enough to even reach out to a new prospective client. 

We dug a little deeper and found out that the barrier can be broken down when you let go of the real fear, which is the fear of rejection. What causes the fear of getting rejected? 

When we get a “NO,” we think it means “No forever.” What if it just means “No now”?

When we get rejected we start to reject ourselves and what we are selling. What if we reframe that to “I never reject myself or doubt my abilities. No matter what the outcome.”

No matter what terrifies you, here are the three solutions to any fear:
  1. You control your thoughts. You are the thinker thinking the thoughts. When you feel fear in your body, ask yourself, “What if I am just excited, versus scared?” They feel very similar; we can rename it. 
  2. Tell yourself you are enough and what you have to offer is valuable. Instead of being intimidated to reach out to someone new, tell yourself you are doing them a favor. “This is their lucky day to be hearing from me.”
  3. What other people think about you is none of your business! Let go of having to be a perfectionist at anything. Instead, think of yourself as a progressionist that celebrates your progress. When your identity is so strong that results don’t make you go up and down the self-esteem roller coaster, you are free to overcome any fear that has been holding you back. The next time you feel any form of fear, just tell yourself “I’m safe and fearless.”