Your WHY is

What a wonderful WHY you have!



You believe that with clarity comes better decisions and clearer direction. You are a master in communication. You seek to be fully understood at all times. It is important for you to know that people “get” what you are saying. You feel successful when you know that your message has been completely understood.


Details on Clarify

Percentage of the Population With Your WHY

Clarify Deep Dive

You seek to be fully understood at all times -everything has to be crystal clear. It is important for you to know that people “get” what you’re saying, and you will use numerous methods to get a point across and make sure it’s clear. You will use analogies and metaphors to share your views in an interesting and unique manner. You feel successful when you know with confidence that your message has been fully understood and received; you want to reach this place of clarity and understanding before decisions are made and people move forward with a plan of action.

Your need to be clearly understood borders on the fanatical. While it can be a good thing when it comes to expressing yourself and your needs, it will come across as overbearing if not kept in check. You may find that you’re repeating yourself by explaining something to someone for a second (or even third!) time, despite the fact that they have expressed to you that they have heard and understood your message or point.

Because you are masterful with your speaking abilities, this tends to get in the way of listening and unfortunately, this is a skill that you must cultivate. Listen, verify and move on. Listen for when someone stresses that they have heard you, quickly verify and then trust that in fact, they did. This will allow you to move on to other subjects and not get bogged down in extensive and repetitive conversations.

If your WHY is Clarify, you constantly want to make sure that you have been fully understood and heard. You ask a lot of questions in order to make sure things are clear. This can be great for follow through, as well as for making sure everyone is on the same page. This also helps keep upsets to a minimum, as everyone sees and understands the same thing. Your significant other knows when you have achieved clarity, as you are able to move forward positively and with passion. Your challenge comes in that it can sometimes take you a long time to get clear yourself, and you may find that you often go above and beyond what is “normal” to make sure you are heard by others. You tend to ask a lot of questions, and may use analogies and metaphors in an attempt to be heard clearly. This could seem condescending and annoying to your partner, especially if they don’t understand your WHY and the reason you are explaining at such great depth. As they learn ways to let you know you have been clearly understood, you will be able to move forward faster and keep the relationship positive!

Where clarity is wanted and needed, you will be valued. If your team members understand you and the reason why you are asking so many questions they will quickly learn to appreciate you. They will see that they can come to you for help in making their own communications clear and effective, and they’ll also know when they shouldn’t come to you. If others don’t know your WHY, you may be viewed as someone that slows everything down, as you’re constantly asking tons of questions. To salvage the problem – and relationships – make sure they know your WHY!

As a parent, your communication with your child is clear and understandable. You are great at asking your child questions, learning about them, and being genuinely interested in what they are interested in. You take the time to make sure they know you are listening and on their side. Challenges may come (like they do for everyone) when your children aren’t clear on what they’ve done or why they did it. For you, that just doesn’t make sense. This can cause you to go into interrogation mode, which may not feel good to your child. By keeping it positive and focusing on NOT over-questioning, you will promote a strong relationship with your child for many years!

Clarify people make great leaders and team members, and ideal positions can include Coach, Consultant, Advisor, Estate Planner, Lawyer, Dentist, Engineer, Professor, Author, and Speaker. You will do well in situations where you can help people who are confused or overwhelmed get clear and move forward faster.

Phrases Clarify People Say:

"I'm not clear - I can't make a decision."
"Could you say that again?"
"This is what I'm hearing."
"Let me clarify that."

Phrases that Describe You:

Asks a lot of questions.
Needs a lot of information.
Wants things clear.
Always the one raising their hand.
Long Messages
Needs to be clear
Decisions are hard
Likes to revisit things

Does this feel like you?

Famous Individuals with the WHY of Clarify

There are 9 perspectives people view the world from. Your perspective is through the driving force in you to gain Clarity on what is going on around you. Believe it or not, not everyone views the world from the same perspective – there are actually 8 other WHYs! 

Learn More Below


"How can I help?"


"I'm Dependable."


"I've got it figured out."


"We can improve it."


"Let's Create Structure."


"Let's make it FUN!"


"Let's explore this in greater detail."


"Let's keep it simple and to the point."

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Give them the gift of Discovering their WHY!

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