Your HOW is

This is HOW you bring your WHY to life!


Your HOW is Challenge. What that means is that HOW you do what you do is by challenging the status quo in thinking differently. You look outside the box or conventional way of doing things to find solutions that are different and unique. You don’t typically follow the rules, color inside the lines and you create or innovate unique ways of doing things that others may not have thought of.  You like to find processes that are fun, exciting, and different and you rebel  against the classic way of doing things. You have an uncanny ability to see things that the rest of us don’t notice and bring answers or solutions that push the envelope.

Challenge as a HOW

Characteristics of Your HOW

You don’t follow the rules or color inside the lines. Your process is fun, exciting, and different – you rebel against the classic way of doing things.  You have the courage and passion to push the limits of what others think is possible and you see a world the rest of us don’t see.  

You love to be different, think different, and you aren’t afraid to challenge virtually anyone or anything that is too conventional or typical for your tastes. Pushing the envelope comes naturally to you.

You typically have eccentric friends and eclectic tastes because, after all, why would you want to be normal?

The biggest challenge with your HOW is that you may be unaware of just how unconventional you are. You don’t always appreciate what a unique gift you truly have. Others may find your solutions odd, strange, different or unique and they don’t understand how you could have come up with it. 

Sometimes you can be viewed as the crazy one or the one that’s different and  people may not “get you.” Because of this you may feel misunderstood or undervalued and you may have a hard time getting along in typical or normal circumstances.

With the HOW of Challenge, it is imperative that you let people know that you think or process differently.  Let them know that your gift is to be able to think outside the box and notice stuff that they may not have thought of or even considered. Invite people to bring you problems that need a fresh pair of eyes or an outside the box solution. When people know your HOW, you morph into the cool person that simply thinks differently instead of the difficult or challenging person.

If your HOW is Challenge, you are all about doing things your own way. You love to be different, and if others appreciate your uniqueness then you will have a fun and exciting relationship. You are spontaneous, act on the spur of the moment, and are always up for a unique and fun experience.

In personal relationships this can be wonderful and exciting at first, but it can become more challenging as time goes on. It is critical for people to be able to understand you and be able to see HOW you do what you do! They will learn to appreciate your inability to follow a recipe, for example, because they will get different meals all the time – often called surprises! When not understood, you can be very challenging. When you are understood, you can be a lot of fun!

In a work environment, you make a great entrepreneur (or a leader where you can be the visionary) and you thrive when you can build a team around you in order to get things done. You can see things the rest of us do not, so when you can focus on being the visionary and thinking differently (a la Steve Jobs) amazing things can happen!

Phrases Challenge People Say:

"Let's do it in a way that makes it more fun!"
"Why can't I do it my own way?"
"Let's imagine the possibilities!"
"How can we do something different?"
"Who says we have to follow the rules?"
"What rules?"

Phrases that Describe You:

Marches to their own beat
Does his/her own thing.
Just wants to be different
Life of the Party

Does this feel like HOW you bring your WHY to life?